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昭陵不依山傍水,而是直接建在平地上。Zhaoling no yard, but directly built on flat ground.

一面临山,三面环水,依山傍水,湖光山色。It faces the mountain in one side, and the water in three sides.

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依山傍水的历史名城绝对是喜欢浪漫的蟹子的理想的度假目的地。An old city by the water is the perfect vacation destination for a antic like you, cancer.

温州位于中国黄金海岸线中段,依山傍水,兼山海之利。Wenzhou lies in the middle of the golden coastline of China, having both mountain and sea.

濠江区依山傍水,风光旖旎,资源丰富。Haojiang district is near the mountain and the sea with abundant source and beautiful landscape.

晚上我们住在了太平猴山的长寿山庄,这里是依山傍水,景色秀丽。We spent a night in Longevity Villa of peaceful Monkey Mountain, where the scenery is beautiful.

三峡风光确实很美,依山傍水,风景如画。The scenery was marvelous, in a region of mountains and streams, it was like a landscape painting.

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区内地势平坦,穆阳溪从西南部穿过,依山傍水,自然环境优美。The smooth terrain, Muyang River from the south-west through, wall, a beautiful natural environment.

延安市是一座依山傍水的河谷城市,有着特殊的地形特点。Yan'an City, which is situated near to hills and beside rivers, has its special geological features.

北碚依山傍水,毗邻重庆且矿产丰富,卢作孚领导的乡村改造“城市化”的“北碚模式”无疑适应其地情。Rich in mineral resources, and surrounded by the hills and rivers, Beibei is in the vicinity of Chongqing City.

营口依山傍水、风光秀丽、气候宜人、自然景观天成。Near the mountains and by the rivers, Yingkou enjoys a beautiful sight and agreeable climate with natural landscape.

这个依山傍水的小岛迷人至极,种满了美丽的花朵。夕阳斜照,清风拂面。This wonderland is so lovely, full of beautiful flowers. The setting sun shines the blue lake, the gentle wind touches my face.

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如果依山傍水是别墅的共性的话,那么依雪山傍高尔夫球场理应是玉龙雪山高尔夫度假别墅的个性。If the common features of villas are the lakes and hills, then the jokul for the golf course will definitely show you the unique sight.

徐州开元名都大酒店坐落于风景秀丽的云龙湖西岸,依山傍水,为徐州市首家五星级豪华酒店。New Century Grand Hotel Xuzhou, the first five-star luxury hotel in the city, is located on the west bank of the beautiful Yunlong Lake.

度假村依山傍水,风景宜人,是一座有着良好声誉的五星饭店。Go vacationing the village draws near according to hill water, the scenery is delightful, it is a 5 stars hotel that having good reputation.

这个到处插著中华民国国旗,依山傍水的小山村,藏著许多艰辛奋斗的故事。This little mountain village, nestled between hills and sea, everywhere adorned with ROC flags, has many stories of pain and struggle to tell.

第二节指出新古典主义诗歌流露出对自然万物的亲厚,对依山傍水生活的渴望。Section II pointed out that the neo-classical poetry to show the world of nature's kind and affectionate, eager to live on the mountain and river.

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兰州是黄河道域独一黄河穿城而过地省会城市,市区依山傍水,山静水动,构成啦共同而斑斓地城市景不雅。Lanzhou is the only capital city with the Yellow River passing through. Also it is surrounded by the mountains, and thus give the city a great scenery.

依山傍水的历史名城绝对是喜欢浪漫的蟹子的理想的度假目的地。An old city by the water is the perfect vacation destination for a romantic like you, Cancer. Venice, Alexandria or New York are all blissful possibilities.

学院位于佳木斯市西郊大来社区,依山傍水,花香鸟语,自然环境优美。The College is located in Jiamusi city to thewestern suburbs of large communities. Moutain and water surrounded, birds sing and flowers radiate their fragrance.