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请把你的信用卡给我打印一份留存?May I take a print of your vise?

他们留存了男孩的生命。They allow the male infants to live.

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她早期的文章没有几篇留存下来。Few of her early articles are preserved.

她的精神和悲天悯人至今仍留存于世。Her spirit and compassion live on today.

我还看见过橡树林中留存着的砖头。I have seen bricks amid the oak copse there.

创伤可愈合,伤疤犹留存。Though the wound be healed yet a scar remains.

最大的份额可能留存在银行。The lion’s share is in bog-standard bank deposits.

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什刹海边上留存着许多古老的街道。Shi Shahai retained the edge of many ancient streets.

留存收益源于获利性经营。Retained earnings is derived from profitable operations.

艾特鲁斯坎人有较强的读写修养,其上千余篇的文字记录留存于世。The Etruscans were highlyliterate, leaving thousands of texts.

我们感觉留存时间越长的东西,拥有的价值就越高。We feel that the longer something lasts, the more value it has.

所留存的一些零碎笔记满是故事的试作。The few surviving scraps of notes are crammed with story tentatives.

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检验结束后,我中心将留存部分样品备查。The Testing center will preservers some samples for future reference.

他们在欧洲的确是作为吟游诗人而留存到中世纪的。They survived, indeed, in Europe as the minstrels into the Middle Ages.

即使食物到了保质期,买来之后也仍可留存一段时间再吃掉。Even if the food is sold on the sell-by date, it can still be eaten later.

请假批准后,请假单一律送行政部留存办理。All the approved leave application should be filed by personnel department.

Muir现在面临着两难境地,到底是把这瓶酒送走还是继续留存代售。Now Muir faces the dilemma of giving the bottle away or waiting to sell it.

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我们的留存利润将为明年的扩张计划提供资金。Our retained profits will provide capital for the planned growth next year.

在我的回忆录中,没有一件事情是值得永久留存的。There is no event in my reminiscences worthy of being preserved for all time.

一间原始阿依努的屋子,被迁移到博物馆外面留存。An original Ainu house has been relocated outside the museum for preservation.