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细小的枝杈,随风摇曳。A small twig, the wind swaying.

什么是细小的症状?What are the symptoms of Parvo?

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如果我的狗感染了细小会死去吗?Will my dog die if he gets Parvo?

多晶硅是细小硅晶的集合体。The aggregation is a count of members.

蛋壳上有许多细小的斑点。There are many flecks on the eggshells.

在她的手臂上发现了两个细小的空。Two tiny pinpricks are found on her arm.

伤口里满是细小的玻璃渣。The wound was full of minute pieces of glass.

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我指着一条细小银色的鱼问道。I asked, pointing to a thin, silvery creature.

十字记号用很细小的平针缉缝。Crossmarks are made with a tiny running stitch.

哦,我忘记告诉你一件细小的事情了。Oops, I forgot to mention one teeny wittle item.

小象头上细小的雨滴。Those delicate raindrops on the elephant's head.

浇口切除后只留下细小痕迹。After degating only a small witness mark remains.

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具有细小、规则呈网状的格。Latteced with a fine, regular, reticulate pattern.

这些细小的颗粒能损害心脏和肺。The tiny particles can damage the heart and lungs.

它身上细小的花朵为了怕冷而挤在一起。Its tiny flowers huddled together against the cold.

就在两鬓太阳穴上面显露著青色的细小静脉。Just over each temple there were little blue veins.

脸颊上还会出现丘疹和细小的红色斑纹。Pimples and tiny red lines can appear on the cheeks.

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类似球形的囊状回声,囊内充满细小光点。Spherical cystic echoes with fine bright spots in it.

那台旧电脑被拆掉以便利用其细小零部件。The old computer was broken down for its small parts.

犬细小病毒的表现是什么样儿的?The performance of canine parvovirus What is it like?