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现在已过中午了。It is past noon.

我中午时很困。I'm sleepy at noon.

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我回家吃中午饭。I came home for lunch.

我一会会吃中午饭。I will have lunch soon.

我们在中午流了好多汗!We sweat a lot at noon!

中午12点半开始吃饭。Noon 12.30 began to eat.

中午时分雾散了。The mist lifted at noon.

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我们明天中午开船。We sail at noon tomorrow.

所以,如果你正中午来这儿,So if you come here midday,

邮轮中午达到停泊地。The liner berthed at midday.

我中午吃锅贴。I ate pot stickers for lunch.

我们在中午离开家。We left home at the noontide.

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我们想在中午结账离开旅馆。We'd like to book out at noon.

中午12点才出太阳,the sun comes up about 12 noon

你已经吃过中午饭了吗?。Have you had your lunch already?

我可在中午之前到达镇上。I will hit the town before noon.

他们中午免费吃了一顿大餐。They got a great lunch for free.

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我们到3点才吃中午饭。We didn’t have lunch till three.

学校在中午被解散了。The school was disbanded at noon.

中午以前他们攀上了山巅。They won the top of hill by noon.