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且慢--等一等。Hold on--wait a minute.

你可以说,且慢。Wait a minute, you may say.

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但是且慢,还有很长的路要走。But there’s still a long way to go.

“很有特色的酒,”他说,“且慢!"A wine of great character, " he said.

如果你认为我错了,且慢断定。And if you think I've had faults, wait.

且慢,如果你真这样做的话,你可能会为你的冒险而感到后悔。But not so fast--you could be taking a risk you\'ll regret.

且慢!事情还没完。安东尼奥许诺给你。Wait! There is something else. Antonio has promised to give you.

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且慢,似乎一场小规模的糖果革命正在进行。But wait, it seems that a minor confectionary revolution is afoot.

且慢!美丽的奥菲利娅!——女神,在你的祈祷之中,不要忘记替我忏悔我的罪孽。Soft you now! The fair Ophelia ! Nymph, in thy orisons Be all my sins remember'd.

哦,且慢——它们是熊猫,中共给熊猫们的待遇优于给人民的待遇。Oh wait -these are pandas and the Chicoms treat their pandas better than their people.

但是且慢!本研究未必就意味着服用此药就等于优点多于缺点。But hang on. The research does not necessarily mean that there are more pros than cons to taking the pill.

且慢,融资融券的利好效应也被不少分析人士谨慎看待。Holds on a minute, the financing securities loan's advantage good effect discretely is also regarded by many analysts.

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每个人都做相同的运动,既相似又实际,而且慢跑的时候都穿并不舒服的紧身连衣裤。Everyone pulls for the same sport, it’s like and what is practical! And a leotard is more than comfortable while jogging.

起诉会使公司的名誉和形象受到更大的破坏。哦,且慢,这都是钱的问题,没人会关心形象的。Kok 10 minutes agoThe suing do more damage to the companyimage and reputation . Oh wait, it all about money, who care about image.

研究表明,棉花干物质积累量前期积累少且慢、中期增多且加快、后期缓慢增加的趋势。Studies have showed that dry matter accumulation of cotton were short and slow in the growth of perhaps, it increased fast in the medium-term and slowly increased in the latter.

但是且慢,加州理工学院的理查德·埃利斯说,问题是研究者们假设椭圆星系中的红矮星与银河系中的红矮星有相同的化学成分。One caveat, says Richard Ellis of Caltech, is that the researchers assumed that red dwarfs in the elliptical galaxies have the same chemical composition as red dwarfs in the Milky Way.

朋友们,请且慢批评我们的美学眼光,要知道这毕竟是九年前,我们年轻而贫穷,圣诞树小彩灯是我们装饰房间的唯一手段。And before anyone feels compelled to criticize our aesthetics, please remember that this was nine years ago—we were young, broke, and thought fairy lights were the ultimate in home décor.

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且慢——这个寡妇在买毒品,这个护士吸毒成瘾还瞒着丈夫偷人,这个孩子他妈有多重性格,而这个明尼苏达的老师身患末期癌症。But wait—the widowed housewife sells marijuana, the nurse is a drug addict who is cheating on her husband, the mother of two has multiple personalities and the Minnesota teacher has terminal cancer.