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他在绘画上师法古人。He imitated the ancients in painting.

植根传统,师法造化的国画大师。Rooted in tradition, learning from nature's painting masters.

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日子一天天过去了,占仆师法多利说,一场天大的灾难即将来临。The day passed, and imitate of said dolly, a big disaster coming.

提倡现代城市水景设计中的“师法造化”。Promote" imitate to build to turn" within the modern city water view design.

英国文艺复兴初期只是一个进修师法与夹杂的阶段。The first period of the English Renaissance wareong imitine and compression.

余论部分则主要探讨了田雯的师法渊源与超越精神。Be left over part discusses Tian Wen to imitate the origin and the surmounting spirit.

谭文信已经同意可以分享他的药师法露序文。Bro. Tam has agreed for spreading his Preface of Dharma Nectar of Medicine Guru Buddha.

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大多半工具使用爱情连连看些拖拉式军统枪口下的女人流程图来师法流程局限。Most of the tools use some kind of click-and-drag flowchform of art motif to model control flow.

设计师越亲近大自然,就越有机会去发现“师法自然”的规律。The closer designers come to nature, the more chances they have to find the rules to imitate the nature.

但是阿富汗分析师法鲁克巴沙尔说,现在,政府正在谈判从弱者的地位。But Afghan analyst Farooq Bashar says right now, the government is negotiating from a position of weakness.

他要求画家要师法自然,把握对象的“情态形色”。He required his painters to draw inspiration from nature and grasp both the subject's image and inner world.

家具仿生设计原理与中国画中师法自然的观念有着异曲同工之妙。Biotic furniture design theory resonates with the concept of imitating nature in Chinese traditional painting.

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借鉴不同的气候条件及生境条件下形成的自然群落,师法自然,可创造出丰富多彩的植物景观。Colorful plant landscapes can be created with reference of natural communities in different climate and habit.

寻找那些已经达成你心中方向的人,挖掘他们过去的做法,并且师法他们的行为。Find people who have accomplished what you want to accomplish, discover what they did and model their behavior.

人类的发明、创造不可能违背这个规律,这也是我们常说的“师法造化”的道理。The invention and creation can't go against the law which is just as we always say, "Follow the example of the nature".

奥本海默公司分析师法德尔在中东动乱背景下,谈及能源价格前景时说。Oppenheimer & Co. analyst Fadel Gheit talks about the outlook for energy prices in light of unrest across the Middle East.

舒岳祥师法晚唐一脉,但他的创作主张也有与其不同之处。Yuexiang Shu and late Tang Dynasty are from the same strain, but also has difference from late Tang Dynasty in some points.

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在的黎波里的中央烈士广场,会计师法乌兹。约布兰说,卡扎菲及其核心集团的人都必须为利比亚的灾难负责。In Tripoli's central Martyr's Square, Fawzi Jobran, an accountant, said Mr. Gadhafi and his inner circle must be held accountable.

我们的使命是,开发一师法壁虎脚趾的微米或奈米纤维黏产品的前瞻量产技术。Our target is to develop an innovative mass production technology inspired from the gecko foot micro or nano-fiber adhesive material.

80年代后,他改学中国山水画,以黄宾虹为主要师法对象,在墨法上有所突破。After 80 time, he switched to Chinese landscape painting, with Huang Binhong as the main object of imitation, in ink technique breakthrough.