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这是吉姆的常用语手册吗?。Is this Jim's phrasebook?

这是很忌讳的用语,非常地不礼貌Those are fighting words.

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这是跑船人的用语吗?Is that some kind of boat talk?

薄利多销〔商店广告用语〕。Advertisement helps to sell goods.

为什么这位男士需要一本常用语手册?Why did the man need o phrasebook?

学生们现在都在文明用语场上。All the pupils are on the playground.

同时,这一称呼也可用语新郎。It can be applied to bridegrooms too.

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你在常用语手册里找到这个字吗?Can you find this word in the phrasebook?

用销售用语讲,这叫做“审判结束”。In sales parlance this is a ‘trial close’.

网络用语对语境的依赖。Networks-parlance's dependence on context.

反意疑问句是一种礼貌用语。Tag questions are a form of polite speech.

这就像一种行话,一种金融用语It's like a language, a language of finance.

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他到处都带着一本法语常用语手册.He is carrying a French phrasebook everywhere.

Ok一词是美国用语中最成功的一个。OK is the most successful of all Americanisms.

近年来,“英语是全球通用语。”The sentence "English is the global language."

那广告用语与其产品名称一语双关。The slogan is a pun on the name of the product.

学术欺骗是诈骗的学术用语。Academic Dishonesty is another term for cheating.

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这在军人的用语中意味着放弃退败。This is a military phrase which means to retreat.

玛夫四岁的时候就能说很多习惯用语了。Maff can use couples of idioms at the age of four.

要设置的情况下,让我们定义的用语。To set the context, let's define the terminologies.