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他的高风亮节为人仰慕。His noble character and sterling integrity are admired by people.

始终揣怀着对人类高风亮节的爱。It always cherishes the love for human's noble character and sterling integrity.

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影片从不同侧面展示了孔繁森同志的高风亮节和人格魅力。The film demonstrated the upright character and personality charisma of Kong Fanlin in different ways.

如若没有你,你退让,我沐小小赞扬你高风亮节。Such as if have no you, your concession, I bathe small talk favorably your lofty and conscientious symbol.

竹尽其才的同时,也折射出自身高风亮节的人性光芒。Bamboo do their talents at the same time, it reflects the light of humanity's own sharp sense of integrity.

田家炳博士是香港以至全中国杰出的实业家和慈善家,高风亮节,以振兴国家、教育济世为己任。Dr Tin is a well-known industrialist and a forerunner of philanthropy in Hong Kong. He established the K. P.

李石曾一生不蓄私财、为民族和社会奋斗终生,其高风亮节更值得我们敬仰和学习。Mr. Li's unselfish and noble spirit of struggling for the whole nation and society has always been a good example for us to follow.

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火星会高风亮节的谦让,所以你也要去迎合对方,重新发现自己,并去冒险做一些改变。Mars will be sublimely compatible, so you should feel ready to meet others and rediscover your yen for a little adventure and change.

那么多宗教,整齐划一地将耐心视为高风亮节,比如基督教,抗拒七宗罪的诱惑,需要七大美德的守护,而耐心就在其列。In Christianity, for example, it is accepted as one of the seven virtues that protect against the temptation of the seven deadly sins.

古人常以“玉可碎而不改其白,竹可焚而不毁其节”来比喻人的气节,是高风亮节坚毅挺拔的象征。"Jade can be broken but its white color exists. Bamboo can be burned but not destroy its integrity. " Is often compared to integrity of people by the ancients. It presents high and bright integrity.