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家家户户的院子里,也都盖满了葡萄。Each courtyard had a grape trellis.

家家户户烧纸钱,安鬼平和鬼团圆。Every family, Ann demons and ghosts.

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家家户户逃往伊朗或者山区。Families fled for Iran or for the hills.

这个村子里家家户户都没有自来水。The houses in this village are without water.

在辽阔的苏格兰大地上,家家户户都在使彭斯的美名大放异彩。Every home in broad Scotland keeps his fame bright.

“春晚”已经成为家家户户餐桌上的一道特殊的菜肴。And the gala is now a special dish in the table already.

初更时候,家家户户开始燃起灯火。As evening falls, each family begins to put on their lights.

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至于我们村家家户户住楼房的事,我知道不现实。As for our village every family live in a building, I know not.

晚上,家家户户常常呆在离家不远的外面。At night, families often stay in the open air near their house.

在这一年更始之时,家家户户放起了鞭炮。Every family sets off fire-crackers at the turn of the new year.

三十年前,家家户户每天晚上围坐着听收音机。Thirty years ago, families gathered around a radio each evening.

我们必须等到这种技术在家家户户都能实现了才行。We have to wait until the technology is available in every home.

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在爱荷华的小镇上,家家户户第一次锁上了门。People in small Iowa towns locked their doors for the first time.

八月带来成捆的谷物,家家户户殷实富足。August brings the sheaves of corn , then the harvest home is borne.

随着敌军逼近,家家户户都将逃入丛林。As the enemy advance continued, whole families would take to the bush.

几乎家家户户都养花养鸟,生活充满情趣。Aviculture plant flowers in almost every household, life is full of fun.

家家户户将蚕种纸包好,开始孵蚕卵。Every family will pack the silkworm eggs in paper, and start to hatch them.

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家家户户都在吃富含胆固醇的外卖和微波热化的现成食品。Families graze on cholesterol-sodden take-aways and microwaved ready-meals.

端午到,挂香包,吃粽子,家家户户真热闹!Dragon Boat Festival that linked Sachet , eating dumplings, every household!

汤水可谓是家家户户饭桌上必不可少的美食了。Soup can be described as an essential food on the table every household has.