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对于慢性病性贫血。Anemia of chronic disease.

哮喘是慢性病,而且非常常见。Asthma is chronical and very common.

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放松精神—与治疗一般的慢性病相同。Stress management- common with chronic disease.

常期接触这种毒气会导致慢性病。Regular exposure to the drug causes chronic illnesses.

随着人口老化,慢性病变得更加普遍。Chronic diseases become more common as people get older.

听起来这像是慢性病医疗护理的未来。Sounds like the future of medical care for chronic diseases.

该生有何遗传性疾病或慢性病?Does this student have hereditary disease or chronic disease?

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在疗养院和在其他慢性病治疗机构中居住的人员。Residents of nursing homes and other chronic-care facilities.

血吸虫病是寄生虫引起的一种慢性病。Schistosomiasis is a chronic disease caused by parasitic worms.

我的慢性病引起了组织增生、贫血和淋巴水肿。I had hyperplasia, anemia, and lymphedema from a chronic disease.

慢性病通过脊神经疗法或者瑜伽均可获得显著疗效。Chronic conditions are managed equally well with chiropractic or yoga.

风湿病往往是一种慢性病,我给你开一些中药.Rheumatism is often a chronic disease.I'll give you some Chinese medicine.

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其次,报告提请注意慢性病的额外负担。Second, the report draws attention to the added burden of chronic diseases.

如果你最近关注过你的慢性病,这个就显得特别正确。This is especially true if you’ve recently learned of your chronic ailment.

我们开展这项工作时,不能忘记慢性病造成的新问题。As we do so, we must not forget the new problems created by chronic diseases.

因此,癌症也被认为是一类与生活方式有关的慢性病。Thus, cancer is also considered a class of lifestyle-related chronic diseases.

需要为这些慢性病提供长期的、甚至是终生治疗。These are chronic conditions and they require chronic, if not life-long treatments.

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慢性病包括心脏病、中风、癌症、糖尿病和肺病。Chronic diseases include heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes and lung disorders.

在进一步对一些慢性病进行校正后,优势比降到1.36。After further adjusting for a number of chronic diseases, the OR was lowered to 1.36.

卫生发展包括慢性病和被忽视的热带病。Health development includes the chronic diseases and the neglected tropical diseases.