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一种是自治德道。There's an ethics of autonomy.

这场关于自治的争论历时长久。The argument over self-rule is long.

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学生自治会下周要开会。The student council meets next week.

我们必须改革学生自治会。We have to reform the student council.

管理上提倡实行学生自治。He thought students could manage themselves.

该自治市与德国的卡瑟尔市结成了友好城市。The borough is twinned with Kasel in Germany.

这些状况已经波及各个州和自治市。The pain is reaching municipalities and states.

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自治在服务器属性面板来定义。Autonomy is specified on the Server Property pane.

在自治国家,人民由谁治理?Who governs the people in a self-governed country?

国家宪法已经承认了自治制度。Already the constitution recognised these autonomies.

截至2004年底,但是,它仍然是半自治。As of late 2004, however, it remains semi-autonomous.

是没有生命的敌人,以保护口没遮拦自治反对。There is no life enemy to protect one's-self against.

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英格兰西北部一自治市镇,邻苏格兰边界。A borough of northwest England near the Scottish border.

法罗群岛上的自治丹麦殖民地。A self-governing colony of denmark on the faroe islands.

法罗群岛上的自治丹麦殖民地。A self-governing colony of denmark on the faro e islands.

去年十一月,该国为自治问题举行了全民公决。The country voted for self-rule in a November referendum.

学生自治会往往表现了小规模的纪律性。The student government often embodies discipline in parvo.

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英格兰南部一自治市,朴次茅斯的西面。A municipal borough of southern England west of Portsmouth.

所有的英国大学是独立和自治的。All British universities are independent and self-governing.

格里岑科和普拉基达对贾庆林到访克里米亚自治共和国表示热烈欢迎。Hrytsenko and Plakida extended warm welcome for Jia's visit.