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商店挤占了每一个可用的空间。Shops cram into every available space.

结果是其他物种的生存空间正被人类挤占殆尽。As a result, other species are running out of places to live.

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我们拥有数十亿人民,你说我们挤占地球。When we had a billion people, you said we were destroying the planet.

总统辩论的现场广播挤占了常规的新闻时间。Live broadcast of the presidential debate preempts the regular news hour.

挤占专项经费情况严重,不合理支出太多。Special funds diverted in serious condition, too many unreasonable expenditures.

助产婆抱怨大量的男性竞争者挤占了这个赚钱的新行业。Midwives complained of hundreds of male competitors taking up this lucrative new trade.

当施工进行到李、魏两家附近时,因挤占公路问题,致使工程被迫停工多日。When construction until Lee, and two nearby Wei, diverted from Highway, which was forced to lay-off over the project.

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白重恩、钱震杰谁挤占了居民收入——中国国民收入分配格局分析。Introduction to the Special Issue on the Distribution of National Income in a Transitional Economy. Social Sciences in China, Vol.

名人文化的诱惑和教育领域的荒芜把原本更广泛的对美德的关注挤占得几乎没有位置。The lures of a celebrity culture and the barrenness of the educational landscape have left little room for broader civic concerns.

甲方保证不挤占、挪用流动资金贷款搞固定资产投资。X. Party A guarantees that it will not appropriate or misappropriate its working capital funds for capital construction investment.

部分民众担心筹办峰会挤占灾区重建资源,而上千人迄今仍以帐篷为家。Some feared the event would divert resources away from reconstruction efforts when thousands of residents are still living in tents.

这不仅破坏了正当防卫理论的完整性,而且也挤占了自救行为理论应有的地位。However, such method, in fact, not only destroys the integrity of legitimate defence, but also intrudes the space of self-defence theory.

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全球化则创造了一个世界化的劳动力大市场,美国低技术工种的生存空间被便宜的海外低技术工人挤占了。Globalization has created a worldwide marketplace, pitting expensive unskilled workers in America against cheap unskilled workers overseas.

最近,有个学生告诉我说,分出一部分时间去提高身体健康的水平,纯粹是挤占了他的学习时间。Recently we were told by a student that setting aside time for improving his physical fitness would be a total misuse of his working hours.

尽管作为全世界最大的签约手机制造商,但是富士康老是亏损,它的盈利被不断上涨的物价和不断下降的机件价格所挤占。Even as the world’s largest contract cellphone maker, Foxconn is loss-making, its margins squeezed by rising production costs and falling gadget prices.

魅影一般的淘金、挖沙船,在这段江面留下大量的矿砂、尾堆,挤占河道,造成半边阻水。Phantom of the Opera general of the Gold Rush, dredging vessels, during the Jiang-left a lot of ore, tail pile, diverted rivers, causing water blocking half.

分析人士指出,从香港大量涌入大陆的水货手机已经严重挤占了行货苹果手机的销售市场。Analysts said a thriving gray market flooded with fake iPhones smuggled in from Hong Kong and the West has hurt legitimate sales of the Apple smart phone here.

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汽车尾气恶臭难闻,单调旅途让人精神麻木,露天停车场挤占中央城区。汽车对城市犯下的罪真是罄竹难书啊!The stink of exhaust, the mind-numbing tedium of traffic, parking lots blighting central city real estate. The urban sins of the automobile are numerous indeed.

对今天的许多年轻人来说,名人文化的诱惑和教育领域的荒芜把原本更广泛的对美德的关注挤占得几乎没有位置。For many young people today, the lures of a celebrity culture and the barrenness of their educational landscape have left little room for broader civic concerns.

和家人的时间非常重要,所以我要务必减去不必要的任务和项目,这样工作就不会挤占和家人在一起的时间。Time with my family is very important, so I’ve had to make sure that I eliminate unnecessary tasks and projects so that my work doesn’t overwhelm my family time.