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我年轻力壮时能行。I could have in my time.

我不如以前那样年轻力壮了。I am not as young as I was.

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他已经不再年轻力壮。He was no longer young and strong.

他年轻力壮时,是一位了不起的阿球运动员。In his heyday, he was a great tennis player.

我年轻力壮,又没有结婚,出差没有问题。I am young and single so I can go on trips as requested.

他想。我相信他能,而且更长久,因为他年轻力壮。I am sure he would and more since he is young and strong.

那些年轻力壮,有本领和长相好的年青人都已经老了。The young, the strong, the able, the good-looking , are gone.

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年轻力壮的时候不奋发图强,到了老年,悲伤也没用了。If one does not exert oneself in youth, one will regret it in old age.

“别去说那枚戒指,”那个农民回答说,“我们都年轻力壮。"Stop talking about that ring, " answered the farmer. "We are young and strong.

在某些国家,所有年轻力壮的男子都必须服两年或三年的兵役。In some countries every healthy young man must do 2 or 3 years' military service.

在他们年轻力壮的时候,他们奉献出了人类所能奉献的热爱与忠诚。In his youth and strength, his love and loyalty, he gave all that mortality can give.

总之,在我们年轻力壮的时候,努力工作是最好的选择。打起精神,加油!In short, when we are young and strong, working hard is the best choice. Cheer up! Come on!

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即便是在西方社会,我们对性研究的焦点也仅限于城市地区,年轻力壮的人群,白人群。Even within Western settings we often see the focus on urban, young, able bodied, white folk.

健康储蓄账户是为纳税人建立的,我还年轻力壮,很乐意多工作。Health savings accounts are tax advantaged, and, since I am young and healthy, work more in my favor.

他正当年轻力壮,应该独立自主,你却剥夺了他这种权利。You have deprived the best years of his life, of that independence which was no less his due than his desert.

在年轻力壮的时候去接受死亡,这使大无畏的精神变为疯狂。The acceptance of the death agony in the flower of youth and in the flush of health turns intrepidity into frenzy.

但随即我告诉自己我是幸运的---能够幸运地活下来,幸运有食物、有工具,幸运自己还年轻力壮。Then I told myself that I was lucky-lucky to be alive, lucky to have food adn tools, lucky to be young and strong.

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但随即我告诉自己我是幸运的——能够幸运地活下来,幸运有食物、有工具,幸运自己还年轻力壮。Then I told myself that I was lucky—lucky to be alive, lucky to have food and tools, lucky to be young and strong.

专家则认为年轻力壮无亚健康的年轻人没必要去开膏方。The expert thinks young force is strong without inferior healthy youth is done not have necessary go creaming square.

为对应经济下滑,英国也采取了一些政策,防止年轻力壮的大量依赖救济金。In response to the economic downturn, Britain also took steps to keep younger people from spending long periods on the dole.