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我挑战你来一场决斗。I challenge you to a duel.

一场决斗是不可避免的。One meeting was unavoidable.

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两个男人双双在决斗中丧命。The two men dueled to the death.

他们在决斗,杜林,道尔顿。They were dueling, Doolin-Dalton.

你的目标是赢得所有的决斗。Your goal is to win all the duels.

这张卡不能在决斗中使用。This card cannot be used in a Duel.

杰克与他对手决斗了数小时。Jack duelled his opponent for hours.

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呃…不了,我不和术士决斗。Um, no thanks, I don't duel warlocks.

他抱怨了一句。然后决斗重新开始。He chided, and the duels started up again.

这里的好消息决斗爱好者!Here's good news for duelling enthusiasts!

杜库再次与这对绝地决斗。Once again Dooku dueled with the Jedi pair.

决斗者不能穿任何铠甲,只能希一条裹腰布。They're allowed no armor, only a loincloth.

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拿出真本事来和我决斗吧!You betta come strong cuz it's time to duel!

威廉先生向这位年轻人提出要求与他决斗。Mr William challenged the young man to a duel.

绅士甚至可以通过决斗挑战将军。Gentlemen can even challenge generals to duels.

伯爵向他发起挑战,用决斗来决一生死。The count challenges him to fight to the death.

他们在一斗争中奋力决斗,在战争中被重重包围。They strove in single combat, locked in battle.

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双方情绪异常激烈,以至进行了一场决斗。Feeling were so intense that they fought a duel.

他把牧羊的法则应用到了决斗场上。He brought a shepherd’s rules to the battlefield.

在决斗俱乐部中以伏地魔战胜哈利波特。As Voldemort, defeat Harry Potter in Duelling Club.