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那是春天甜美的清唱。Spring’s sweet cantata.

清唱云不去,弹弦风飒来。Cappella clouds go, playing the string to wind Sa.

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没错。我在合唱团可以清唱,但我自己不会唱。Yes. I can sing in a Acapella group. But I cant sing.

在微凉的轻风里,船夫清唱,小船缓缓前行。In the wind, singing boatmen, the boat slowly forward.

巴里摩尔说格兰特的一段清唱非常好听。Barrymore says Grant sang acappella and it sounded really good.

她唱着歌,清唱,一首优美纯净的歌曲,然后让我出去。She sang, a capella, a beautiful pure song, and then led me to the door.

声乐准备清唱。不需要伴奏音频等等。我们需要准确听到音准。Please sing without accompaniment, we need to hear your pitch and phrasing clearly.

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歌唱家可以伴着乐器演唱,也可以无乐器伴奏清唱。Vocalists can perform with instrumental accompaniment, or they may perform a capella.

这种美妙的自由度为清唱与影像熨帖地结合奠定了坚实的基础。This dulcet freedom establishes a firm foundation of the combination of the Pasonic and image.

唯有孔子神闲气定一个人在房间里弹琴清唱,一副若无其事的样子。Only Confucius looked relaxed as if nothing had happened, playing music and singing in his room.

一个清唱表演可以持续八个小时,只由一名歌者持续表演。A pansori performance can last for over eight hours during which a single singer performs continuously.

在我上初中的时候,曾组建过一个大人小孩双拍档式的3人清唱团队,后来在大学的时候甚至有一个5人清唱团队。I had a Boyz II Men-esque 3-person a capella group when I was in junior high – and another 5-man group in college.

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三人也在现场清唱了这几首新歌,优美的合声让所有人听得如痴如醉。The trio also sang these new songs a capella on the spot. Their beautiful harmonizing completely mesmerized everyone.

优美的音色,动人的旋律,像郭兰英清唱的民歌,像郭兰英演唱的山西梆。Beautiful sound, moving melodies, such as Guo Lanying cappella folk songs, such as Guo Lanying concerts of Shanxi bang.

冬天可在鸭绿江的冰面上滑冰嬉雪,亦可在岛上亭中小憩品茗,聆听票友们的京剧清唱。People also can go skiing on the ice in winter, or taste the tea in the pavilion or listen to amateur opera performers' Beijing opera.

除了深情演绎“哭过就好了”,也在游戏时与粉丝牵手清唱一曲。In addition the affectionate deductive of "I'll be fine after crying", when playing game with fans she holding the fan hand and sang acappella.

此外,活动现场还邀请了台东原住民歌手达凤与鲁碧清唱表演,纯净的歌声为我们带来希望与爱。In addition, Taitung aboriginal singers Tafong and Rubi gave live performances during the event, bringing hope and love through their pure voices.

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人声乐团以小组形式作无伴奏清唱,演出曲目范围广泛,例如爵士乐、流行歌曲及民歌等。These ensembles provide an additional musical challenge for its members, who perform styles such as vocal jazz and pop in a smaller group setting.

至此,所描述的民歌演唱都是指“单声部清唱”,因为是无伴奏独唱的缘故。The folk singing described so far has all been "monophonic", for in unaccompanied solo singing only one note of a melody can be produced at a time.

最初佛兰明歌只包括佛兰明歌清唱,后来加上了佛兰明歌吉他的伴奏,有节奏地拍手或踢踏,和配以舞蹈。At the beginning, Flamenco started with just singing without any music, later accompanied by guitar, clapping of hands, stamping of feet and eventually with dancing.