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这是一幅由草地,河流,树木组成的五光十色的镶嵌画。It's a rich mosaic of meadows, rivers and woods.

五光十色的灯笼照亮了漆黑的夜晚。The colorful bright lanterns light up the night.

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1897年的庆典是对五光十色的帝国主义政策的御前恩准。In 1897, to sanctify the trumperies of imperialism.

他以五光十色绚丽夺目的文章给你完全的效果。He writes in glorious technicolor to give you the full effect.

你希望用这种带色彩的镜片记录自己五光十色的生活。You look stylish in hats of all kinds, from berets to panamas.

光线在与云霓的抗衡中觅到了她五光十色的珍宝。Light finds her treasure of colours through the antagonism of clouds.

深夜里,普伊托·德·拉·克鲁斯市的海滩依旧五光十色。The beach promenade in Puerto de la Cruz is still colorful in late evening.

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大千世界的五光十色与千姿百态被认为是理所当然。The panorama of colour and action which fills the world is taken for granted.

正是这种组织不同图层对光线的反射,赋予了蝴蝶翅膀五光十色的效果。The way light reflects from different layers gives us butterfly wings’ intense colors.

他指出,这个峡谷中有许多特色,其中之一就是它的景物五光十色,令人眼花缭乱。He points out that one of the great features of the valley is its bewildering diversity.

我对这一切都很激动,因为不久我就会成为那个五光十色的学生团体的一员。I was excited because after all I would soon become a member of that diverse student body.

街道上的每棵树都被五光十色的彩灯以及圣诞饰品装饰着。Literally every tree on the street was covered with light effects or christmas decoration.

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红色的圆柱,配着五光十色的门窗画梁,显得俊秀而雄伟。Red columns, doors and windows painted with a colorful beams appear handsome and ambitious.

你的手镯真是美丽,镶着星辰,精巧地嵌着五光十色的珠宝。Beautiful is thy wristlet, decked with stars and cunningly wrought in myriad-coloured jewels.

否则,就会在五光十色的希望肥皂泡中蹉跎岁月,浪费自己的青春年华。Otherwise, it will bubble in the bright lights of hope in the wasted time, wasted their youth.

这是九月的一个明郎的下午,纽约大街上,人来人往,五光十色。It was a bright September afternoon and the street of NY city were brilliant with moving people.

睡意笼罩着他,就象缠绵脑际的蜃楼幻影正在同五光十色的环礁湖景致一比高低。Sleep enveloped him like the swathing mirages that were wrestling with the brilliance of the lagoon.

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让你保留这段芳香的回忆,让你珍藏这串美丽的友谊,让我们为你点燃一首五光十色的诗。Keep the fragrant memory and treasure the beautiful friendship, let's light up a colourful poem for you.

海宝是对五彩缤纷鳃活的向往,对五光十色的生命的祝福,也是中国上海对来自五湖四海朋友的热情邀约。Hai Bao is the whish to colorful life and the warm invitation to friends from all over the world to Shanghai.

这些富丽的高雅的服装、五光十色的钮扣和金银小饰物,它们是从哪里来的?Whence came the rich, elegant dresses, the astonishingly coloured buttons, the knickknacks of silver and gold?