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我喷一点酒精的湿层水粉画。I spray a bit of alcohol on the wet layer of gouache.

水粉画颜料在干湿不同。Gouache paintings in the wet and dry pigments different.

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她主要是画油画,但对丙烯,水粉画,钢笔和水彩画也很感兴趣。Her preferred medium is oil, but she also enjoys acrylic, gouache , and pen and wash.

这部水粉画中,环绕着小天使的是各种各样的美容产品和其他的物品。The watercolour shows the cherub surrounded by her beauty products and holding various items.

削减的水粉画的马蒂斯的最后期限奏也许只是一个适应了此过程。The gouache cut-outs of Matisse's final period are perhaps just an adaptation of this procedure.

水粉画在我国近现代美术史上是一个有着特殊意义的画种。Gouache is a kind of painting that has specific significance in China's modern fine arts history.

水粉画是一门有着悠久的历史根源和广阔发展前景的艺术表现形式。Gouache is a kind of artistic presentation which has a long history and wide prospect of developing.

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从事美术工作四十余年,先后创作油画、宣传画、连环画、水粉画作品100余件。Yang has created oil paintings, posters, comic books and gouache paintings for more than 100 pieces.

本文在回顾水粉画发展历程的基础上,对它的语言特质进行分析。This essay analyzes the subject of language characteristics on the basis of its historical development.

作者翻页揭示了一个非洲大象和她迷人的小腿,双页的水粉画。A turn of the page reveals a stunning, double-page gouache painting of an African elephant and her calf.

国画、油画、水粉画、漫画、蜡笔画均可。Chinese watercolor paintings, oil paintings, acrylics, cartoons, and crayon drawings are all acceptable.

印象色彩美术教育是从2002年开始实施的特色教育活动,对全校学生实施油棒画、水粉画的教学。Impression Coloring Art was explored in 2002. The characteristic education is about oil paintings and gouaches.

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2002年开始实施的特色教育活动,对全校学生实施油棒画、水粉画的教学。Impression Coloring Art was explored in 2002. The characteristic education is about oil paintings and gouaches.

他更知名的工作通常是在水粉画或纸张上,他经常使用金箔在他的设计。His better-known work is typically painted in gouache on board or paper, and he often made use of gold leaf in his designs.

吃完茶点,两个小姑娘压着海草,他跟斯苔拉坐窗口的座位上谈话,浏览她的水粉画速写。After tea, while the two little girls pressed seaweed , he talked to Stella in the window seats and looked at her water-colour sketches.

湖南省美术家协会会员、水彩画研究会会员、水粉画协会会员。She is a member of Hunan Artists Association, a member of Hunan Watercolour Painting Seminar, and a member of Hunan Gouache Association.

通过对其历史性的回顾,多角度论述了水粉画的历史形成以及在我国的普及与发展。Through the review of its history the article dwells on its formation in history and its popularization and development in China from various angles.

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但是她最值得关注的还不仅仅这些,邓老师多年来一直坚持美术创作,创作内容涵盖水墨画、油画、水粉画和速写。She doesn't just follow with interest of them. She insists on art creation all along so many years, the content covers wash, canvas, opaque watercolour painting and sketch.

产品设计绘画方法主要包括淡彩画、水粉画、色粉画、麦克笔画和计算机辅助设计。The product design drawing methods mainly include the pale color painting, gouache , watercolor picture, color powder picture, marker drawing and the computer aided design.

冷色调的蓝色使四壁、天花板的冬季型白色调以及水粉画色彩更具特性,突出黑色和所有点缀性附色。The blue that cool color moves makes attune of the winter of 4 walls, ceiling white and gouache colour have character more, outstanding black and all ornament sex add color.