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梅贤祖顺利当选为玉屏县长。MeiXianZu smoothly elected county jade screen.

帕蒂在纽约韦斯特切斯特县长大,是家中四个孩子里的老大。Patty grew up in Westchester County, New York.

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接着鹿钟麟又要撤换县长。Next, Lu wanted to change the county magistrates.

这种会议,由县长召集,在县署开。Talk about to open outward with my economy development.

县长是个大烟鬼,什么事都让李去干。The magistrate was an opium smoker and let Li do all the work.

也许夏威夷茶党县长会对此展开一番调查。Maybe a Tea Party sheriff in Hawaii will open an investigation.

这种会议,由县长召集,在县署开。The council is convened by the magistrate and meets in his office.

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县长,有些也是民选的了,许多先进的人物和有为的青年,被选出来当县长了。Some people think that the Start of Bethlehem could have been a supernova.

佐藤悠平县长说,这仅仅是个开始,并指出这场危机还没有结束。The governor says this is just the beginning, noting the crisis has not ended.

县长威廉姆·T·藤冈说,县政府的官员们从未受过骗。County Chief Executive William T. Fujioka said officials were never really duped.

韩家与腾冲的退休县长张问德乃是世交。Korea home and segmented retirement county magistrate zhang asked DE but ShiJiao.

那位到我家来求喝一杯葡萄酒的县长是个例子。The xian official who came to visit and asked for a glass of wine is one example.

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“在这个县城里我是头。”县长贪心鬼对他的一位下属说。"In this town where I head. " County greedy ghost on one of his subordinates said.

县长杨照兴说,在受难地点将建造一个纪念公园。The county chief, Yang Chiu-hsing, said a memorial park would be built on the site.

接著来到彰化县政府后,更是由彰化县长卓伯源亲自迎接。Changhua County Mayor Chuo Po-yuan welcomed the riders as they arrived at City Hall.

河北唐县宏达精密铸造厂位于河北省保定市唐县长古城乡田家庄村。Precision Casting Plant of Tang County of Hebei is located in Baoding, Hebei Province.

在麦夫克县长招募中文教师的三年前来到了这里。He moved here three years ago, when Mr. Masfuk first put out a call for Chinese teachers.

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这个县长已经因为贪污受贿而被拿问了。The head of the county has been detained for interrogation due to corruption and bribery.

在从中国参观访问回来的两年后的2007年,麦夫克县长2007年下令开始在南梦安教授中文。Mr. Masfuk began mandating the teaching of Chinese in 2007, two years after his trip to China.

崇阳的县长陈屋豳救援人员说,接近中午时分周五学校。Chongyang's county chief Chen Wubin said rescuers were approaching the school by midday Friday.