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他同样继续在博客上畅所欲言。He also continues to speak out on his blog.

在其他情形下,则可以对灵魂畅所欲言In other contexts--no harm in talking about souls.

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后来我有机会可以畅所欲言,我想说的是。And there came my way an opportunity that I want to tell you about.

每次我们坐在一起聊天的时候,蛐蛐总是畅所欲言。Every time we sit together talking, Ququ is open to speak his mind.

但是如果认为它本来能够发展壮大,你可以在评论里面畅所欲言。But sound off in the comments if you think this could have been huge.

那些和结束对头巾限制的战斗的妇女是其中最喜欢畅所欲言的。Those battling to end restrictions on the headscarf are among the most vocal.

自我检查的美国畅所欲言,表达他们的经验。Self-examination at the U. S. speak out freely , to express their experiences.

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比起洗碗,你是否更愿意享受一顿丰盛的大餐,或是与亲密他朋友畅所欲言?Wouldn’t you rather be having a delicious meal instead, or talking with your best friend?

借助这一平台,天南海北的残疾人能够畅所欲言。Have the aid of this one platform, the disabled of all over the country can speak out freely.

我也没有拒绝你们的智慧,你们对此婚事已经畅所欲言。Nor have we herein barr'd your better wisdoms, which have freely gone with this affair along.

如果我们俱乐部是真正民主的话,那么每个小人物都有权力畅所欲言。If our club is really democratic then very little pip-squeak has the right to say what he thinks.

因为只要掌握常用的200-300个句型和2000个左右的单词即可畅所欲言!In order to make it all you have to do is conquer some 200-300 sentence patter and about 2000 words.

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因为只要掌握常用的200-300个句型和2000个左右的单词即可畅所欲言!In order to make it all you have to do is conquer some 200-300 sentence patterns and about 2000 words.

这里没有上下级之分,无论何时遇到问题,大家都可以自由讨论,畅所欲言。There is no senior-junior divide. Whenever we have a problem, we can freely talk about it and discuss it.

为了搞搞新意,尝试了开这个拆迁改造英语角,爱好英语的朋友可以在这里用英语畅所欲言。To make it a different way, I try to open this English corner. You can use English to state your opinion.

我认为,人们躲在匿名制后头,觉得就像关起门来一样可以畅所欲言。I think people hide behind anonymity and they feel like they can say whatever they want behind closed doors.

互联网让你的客户享有更多畅所欲言的机会,说出他们真实的想法,喜欢你什么,不喜欢你什么。The Internet lets your customers sound off and tell you exactly what they like or don't like about your business.

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其它地儿咱们好像可以畅所欲言,百花齐放,百家争鸣,热闹得很。Elsewhere, we seem to be able to speak our minds. The different styles and flow of ideas make it much more lively.

其实,在心理治疗中,有很多能帮助你敞开心扉,而且畅所欲言的方法。There are many strategies to help “open up” and be able to talk more freely while in psychotherapy. Here are a few.

“畅所欲言,意在求新”是公司的企业精神激励着每一位畅意人。"speaks freely, intends to strives for newly" is company's spirit of enterprise is driving each smooth Italian person.