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自养生物开始起哄。The autotrophs began to drool.

绿色植物在性质上是自养的。Green Plants are autotrophic in nature.

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文心兰在无糖培养基中自养生长基本正常。Oncidium was autotrophic without sugar in the medium.

硝化细菌是化能合成的自养生物。The nitrifying bacteria are chemosynthetic autotrophs.

自养营养时,氧化元素硫较弱。Autotrophic oxidation of elemental sulfur is relative weak.

一个自养的单细胞绿藻表现最小程度的特化。An autotrophic unicellular green alga presents the minimum of specialization.

研究了以自养型硝化生物膜启动厌氧氨氧化反应器的可行性。The start-up of the ANAMMOX bioreactor by autotrophic nitrifying biofilm was studied.

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在1807年基督教新教入华之后,同样面临着中国教会自养的问题。After the Protestantism entered China in 1807, it was confronted with the same problem.

以盲文教习盲人识字,又授之以各种执艺,实现其生活自养。They taught the blind Braille system and various technics in order to live by themselves.

细胞丧失了自养的特性,变成依赖于外加的化学能源生活。The cell lost its autotrophic character and became dependent on added chemical energy sources.

细胞丧失了自养的特性,变成依赖于外加的化学能源生活。The cell lost its autotroph ic character and became dependent on added chemical energy sources.

固定床自养反硝化去除地下水中的硝酸盐氮。Nitrate nitrogen removal from ground water by autotrophic denitrification in a packed bed reactor.

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基督新教教会的自养问题是近代基督教在华传播史上的一个重要问题。The self_support of Protestant churches is an important problem in the cause of mission in modern China.

从某油田外排水中富集、分离的自养氨氧化菌经培养、挂膜获得自养氨氧化生物膜。Chemoautotrophic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria isolated from oil field formed a biofilm after enriched culture.

在大气中存在的二氧化碳被自养生物体所吸收并合成为碳水化合物。The carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is taken up by autotrophic organisms and incorporated into carbohydrates.

生物膜是高溶解氧条件下实现单级自养脱氮的一个关键因素。Biofilm is one of the key factors of the one-step completely autotrophic nitrogen removal process under high DO.

生产者通常被称为第一营养级,被异养称为自养。Producers are often referred to as being in the first trophic level and are called autotrophs by the heterotrophs.

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试验研究了光通量和昼夜温差对自养培养马铃薯试管苗生长的影响。The effect of PPF and DIF on plantlet growth of potato in vitro under photoautotrophic condition was investigated.

PCC6803是一种单细胞蓝藻,在自养和异养条件下均可以生长。PCC6803 is a unicellular cyanobacterium that is able to grow either autotrophically or heterotrophically on glucose.

表明了一个专性自养细菌的启动子功能片段在异养细菌中表达。This result shows that a promoter function fragment from autotrophic bacteria is able to express in Escherichia coil.