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在经营上各自为政,无法形成市场合力。In management co-ordination, incapable of market force.

在罗马帝国灭亡后的漫长岁月里,欧洲陷入分裂,各自为政。In the centuries after the fall of Rome, Europe became Babel.

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事实上,北京前最著名的43所学校均各自为政。But each of Beijing's top 43 public schools is fiercely independent.

事实上,北京最顶级的43所中学均各自为政。But each of Beijing’s top 43 public schools is fiercely independent.

城邦各自为政,无统一君主,城邦之间战争不断。Polis fragmented, non- unified monarchy, the war between the city-state.

它们不仅各自为政,连文字也不相同。They differed from each other in all aspects, from politics to language.

城邦各自为政,无统一君主,城邦之间战争不断。Their own city , without a unified monarchy, between the city-state wars.

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这意味着,这两个地方的工作已经是各自为政了。This means that work in both places is already running on an autonomous track.

如果这些代理商的工作能够考虑周到,整个系统就能很有效率,然而他们时不时会各自为政。If agents do a thorough job, the system can be effective. But sometimes it falls apart.

忒修斯不可能证明他的能力倘若他没有发现雅典人还处于各自为政的分散状态的话。Theseus could not have demonstrated his ability if he had not found the Athenians dispersed.

我们大家的切身利益是互相补充的,各自为政的不良后果是再大不过了。Our vital interests were complementary , the penalty for independent action was overwhelming.

你还需要各自为政的各部门在你的反击战中相互合作。You would also need to get turf-conscious departments to work together in mounting your counterattack.

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整整一个夏季,这些大大的啄木鸟忙着享受家庭生活,并不想彼此结伴,而是各自为政。All summer these big wood-peckers were resolutely individual, busy with family life and wanting no company.

欧洲到底会选择更强势的政治、经济联盟或选择各自为政?Will Europe choose stronger political and economic integration or will it choose disorderly disintegration?

由于信息共享标准的缺失,"一站式"电子政务系统建设条块分割、各自为政现象突出。Due to the standards, "one-stop" electronic administration system construction and fragment, disjointed phenomenon.

城邦各自为政,无统一君主,城邦之间战争不断。The city-state does things their own way, the non-unification crowned head, between the city-state the war is unceasing.

不过官员们并没有公布联合应急计划,显然各国政府将继续各自为政、各显神通。But the officials issued no joint emergency plan, and individual governments will apparently continue to go their own ways.

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一管理。此有区别于一国一政,多国多政,各自为政的小地块的统一。A management. This is different from one country to a government, the allied more fragmented political, the small plot unity.

防止个人专断和各自为政,反对有令不行,有禁不止。To prevent the tendency to make decision arbitrarily and go their own way and oppose the defiance of orders and prohibitions.

因为BPM和工作流领域完全都是各自为政,多种过程语言的需要日益明显。As the BPM and workflow landscape is completely fragmented, the need for multiple process languages becomes more and more obvious.