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我和丽莎•库卓见了面并教她吉他。I met Lisa Kudrow and tried to teach her a little guitar.

哲学家金岳霖、贺麟对翻译多持卓见。This paper expounds the views on translation advanced by Jin Yuelin and He Lin.

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真正意义上的演示关注的是演说者以及演示本身意在传递的卓见和观念。True presentations focus on the presenter and the visionary ideas and concepts they want to communicate.

尽管已卓见成效,但在这热闹的圣诞团圆与欢庆的一天里,要做的事情还很多。Much has been achieved but there is still much to do and on this day of reunion and festivities in the glow of Christmas.

他的卓见、谦逊和对教育的无私奉献相结合,给这所美好的大学和城市带来了荣耀。His insights and his humility mix with his dedication to learning, and bring honour to this wonderful university and city.

尽管已卓见成效,但在这热闹的圣诞团圆与欢庆的一天里,要做的事情还很多。Much has been achieved but there is still much to do and on this day of reunions and festivities in the glow of Christmas.

科学家们写道,这项新陈代谢的卓见可能会引起对肥胖症和新陈代谢症候群治疗的进一步发展。This insight into metabolism may lead to the development of better treatments for obesity and metabolic syndrome, the scientists write.

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在过去几年里,一些富有卓见的研究人员已经衔接了生物计算和实际的DNA计算之间的间隙。Over the past few years, some insightful researchers have bridged the gap between the biological computing theory and actual DNA-based computation.

通过借鉴和导入在塑造企业形象方面卓见成效的CI战略,塑造出完整、独特、真实、生动的图书馆形象。Through introducing CI Strategy which has produced marked effect in modelling business images, create integrated, unique, truely and vital library images.

具备同样气质的溥仪集团于2000年由现任行政总裁邱子杰先生成立,是高级眼镜零售业界中别具卓见的潮流领导者。The Puyi Group, named after the legendary personality, triumphs as a trendsetter and visionary in the high-end optical retail industry. Founded in 2000 by Mr.

两位贤哲的卓见无论是在翻译理论基础方面,还是在翻译方法、翻译和重新创作、诗歌翻译、哲学著作翻译诸方面均有许多共识。They bear on theoretical perspectives, methods of translation, the relationship between translation and re creation, the translation of poems and philosophic works.

目前,该项目的实施对当地改善城镇水环境、恢复水域生态系统已卓见成效。Currently, the implementation of this engineering item improves the water environment of Dainan, and the instauration of water ecosystem is to be expected in confidence.

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一套以东西方的史实剑术及刀剑制作为主题的电影将要上映,内容认真,访问的对象都是刀剑界内的真知卓见。A film dedicated to the historical swordsmanship and the swords of both the east and the west. Its was produced seriously with the top people in the sword circle interviewed.

全书在辨证论治上取古人意而不泥古人法,在辨证求因、审因论治上多有卓见。The whole book chose the meaning of ancient people instead of method in the syndrome. The syndrome was used to find the reason, and it had much excellent opinions on the cure theory.

理想人格的培养一直是中国历代哲学家所普遍关注的问题,他们也提出了各种各样具有真知卓见的人格理想,但理想人格理论是与现实联系在一起的。Chinese philosophers of every period paid attention to cultivating ideal personality, and they also proposed wise ideas about personality. But the theory of ideal personality is related to reality.

近年来,利用转基因技术以提高小麦产量、改善品质、增强抗病虫和抗逆能力,相关研究已卓见成效。Great progress of applying transformation technology to improve wheat characters such as productivity, quality, resistances to diseases, insects and adverse conditions have been made in recent years.