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蔚爱情是盲目的。Love is blind.

我的爱情故事?My love story?

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爱情是一种毒品。Love is a drug.

什么是爱情?What about love?

一副爱情手铐。A love handcuffs.

但爱情是伟大的。But love is grand.

不关性的事,只是爱情。Not sex, but love.

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但是不管怎样,他既然说是有关爱情的,那就算是爱情的吧。Anyhow. About love.

好怕怕爱情哟。Good fears love yo.

爱情,是一个人的事。何解?I love what i like.

爱情,是免费的。So is amatory love.

杰力特是一个爱情杀手。Janet is a knockout.

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爱情高于珠宝。Love before jewelry.

爱情是甜蜜的苦酒。Love is a sweet cup.

有时爱情徒有虚名。Love is only a name.

爱情是无私的。Love is self-giving.

这就是愚蠢式爱情。That's fatuous love.

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爱情和面包你可以兼得!!You can have it all!

爱情如命,生命似水。Love like life, life.

是爱情还是有一腿?Is it love or a fling?