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他正在翻阅一本杂志。He was leafing a magazine.

请翻阅点歌单.Please consult the song list.

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这是一本常被翻阅的书。The books were badly thumbed.

这是一本常被翻阅的书。This is a well- thumbed book.

在他没有看完之前任何人不得翻阅那些报纸。No one could read it before he had.

地翻阅一本杂志。She flicked idly through a magazine.

她在迅速翻阅那本杂志。She was thumbing through the magazine.

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但书,你可以随时随地的翻阅。You can read a book anywhere, any time.

她漫不经心地在翻阅一本杂志。She is paging through a magazine aimlessly.

登记员翻阅着预定单和住宿单。The clerk shuffled reservation and room slips.

我经常翻阅习作簿來温习。I often go over my exercise books for revision.

出于一种责任感我迅速翻阅了一下。I leafed through it out of a sense of obligation.

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这本旧书因长年翻阅正在逐渐破损。The old book is gradually disintegrating with age.

在我等地铁时我匆匆把报纸翻阅了一下。I scanned the newspaper when I waite for the subway.

请翻阅此单张背页,查阅更多优惠详情。Please refer to reverse side for more offer details.

一个酒类专营店的雇员在柜台上翻阅杂志。A liquor store clerk reads a magazine at the counter.

她翻阅着最近的一期杂志。She thumbed through the latest issue of the magazine.

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我翻阅了所做的笔记,免得记错了而使我误入歧途。I used notes lest faulty memory should lead me astray.

翻阅几页找到合适你的那一本。Page through several and find one that appeals to you.

她把小说拿下来,匆匆地翻阅了一下。She took the novel down and busily thumbed it through.