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第四点,不存在无被害人犯罪。Fourth, there is no victimless crime.

被害人被诱到一个荒僻的地方。The victim was lured to a deserted spot.

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其中三起谋杀案的被害人都是这样被扼死的。Three of them throttled th’ victims like this.

发现被害人倒毙于河岸。The victim was found lying dead on the river bank.

被害人遇袭时正在一家商店的外面。The victim was outside a shop when he was attacked.

一些专家们把被害人数估计在了超过350,000。Some experts place the figure at well over 350, 000.

只有被害人或他的家族可以启动一个庭审程序。Onlya victim or his family can initiate a court action.

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第五章被害人上诉权的探索设计。Chapter five, the design of the appeal right of the victim.

奇怪的是,6名被害人均是脸朝下俯卧在床上。But strangely, the six victims were found face down in their beds.

通过具体的立法来保护被害人的人身权。Protects victim's personal rights through the concrete legislation.

行为人和被害人都要求不公开调解的。Where both the actor and the victim require a non-public mediation.

目前,我国有关刑事被害人补偿的立法尚付阙如。At present, China's criminal victim compensation is still a blank field.

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对被害人的合法财产,应当及时返还。The lawful property of the victims shall be returned to them without delay.

警方没有提供嫌犯、被害人或者其他家庭成员的名字。Police have not named the suspect, the victim or other members of the family.

第二部分,对刑事被害人援助制度的理论进行诠释。The second part annotates the theory of assistance system of criminal victim.

最后概括了被害人研究对刑事侦查的意义。Finally summarized the victim to study to the criminal detection significance.

官员正在寻找被害人,并通知死者的亲属。Officials are in the process of identifying victims and notifying next-of-kin.

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无救济便无权利,为了使刑事被害人知情权得到切实落实。The government relief is also significant to the protection of victim's right.

对被害人权利保护价值的探求必要而迫切。The study about droits protection of the injured party is necessary and urgent.

所骗取的赃款后被全部扣押并发还被害人。Swindles after the ill-gotten money, is detained and returns the victim completely.