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他两次赢得这项比赛,并保持赛会记录。He won it twice and holds the course record.

我们的杯赛会不会突发奇想地跑到吉格巷来趟浪漫之旅?Will the romance of the Cup pay a visit to Gigg Lane?

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这是我们今天的赛会工作员证,工作人员要凭证才能自由进出。This ID Card is just for our volunteers and stadium staff.

在上星期出席了一项篮球邀请赛,也担任了该赛会的裁判工作。Attended an basketball invitation and became referee for it last week.

刘翔打破了他在2005年创造的13秒30的赛会纪录。Liu broke his own championship record of 13.3 seconds set back in 2005.

美国的瑞恩•墨菲以51.97秒的成绩夺冠,并打破了赛会纪录。America's Ryan Murphy won gold in 51.97 seconds and set an Olympic record.

瓦伦西亚赛会头号种子兼卫冕冠军大卫·费雷尔,仅仅获得了第三名。Top seed and defending champion David Ferrer finished third after Bopanna.

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如连续三次缺席会议之球队,将会即时被赛会取消会席。If the team absents for 3 times continuously, that team will be disqualified.

如果卡卡上半场的机会把握住了,比赛会轻松一些。It would have been easier if Kaka had scored from his first-half clear chance.

1915年后,粤绣作品在巴拿马国际博览会等国际赛会上多次获得大奖。Since 1915, the work of Yue embroidery garnered several awards at the Panama Expo.

只有卡塞雷斯和梅洛因为南美区预选赛会稍晚到达。Only Caceres, and Mello is because the South American qualifiers will arrive later.

1915年后,粤绣作品在巴拿马国际博览会等国际赛会上多次获得大奖。Since 1915, the work of Yue embroidery garnered several awards at the Panama Expo.

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女单决赛,萨芬娜的对手是赛会5号种子同胞名将库兹涅佐娃。Women's singles final, Safina's opponent is the game's No. 5 seed Kuznetsova compatriots.

迎神赛会具有一般性特征与一定的社会功能。The meeting the god competition has the general characteristic and certain social function.

今天迎神赛会上,神明的阵头前仍有两盏大灯笼。Today, during religious festivals, two large lanterns are hung above the altar of the gods.

我认为明天的排位赛会显现出银石真正的速度节奏。I think in the end tomorrow in qualifying the true relative pace here at Silverstone will be seen.

欢迎符合奥运会赛会志愿者招募基本条件的各界人士踊跃报名。People from any field who meet the requirements above are welcome to apply for the volunteer work.

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与此同时,超过万名赛会志愿者也在各比赛现场为观众提供了热情、专业的志愿服务。Over 10,000 game-time volunteers provided heartwarming and professional services for the spectators.

各地的赛会纪录,比如亚特兰大的、北京的、罗马的,相互之间差别很大。Racing records set on tracks are largely interchangeable whether they occur in Atlanta or Beijing or Rome.

你在赛事中不失一盘,击败了赛会2号种子卡洛维奇而加冕。You didn't lose a set winning the tournament, capping it off with a win over the No. 2 seed, Ivo Karlovic.