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太阳给我们带来光明。The sun gives us light.

就业前景光明。Job prospects are bright.

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光明普照,如日不晦。Bright shining as the sun.

在光明中巍然屹立!In bright detachment stand!

就像传递光明。It's like passing on light.

你也会开始踏上光明大道。You'll start happening too.

Heroku的前途看起来很光明。Heroku's future looks bright.

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衣装是十分光明的狗。Westies are very bright dogs.

我住在光明街69号。I live at 69 Guangming Street.

他使瞎子重见光明。He restored sight to the blind.

你就是和平、喜悦和光明。You are peaceand joy and light.

借汝之光,得见光明。In thy light we shall see light.

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科里-布鲁尔有着光明的未来。Corey Brewer has a bright future.

干坏事的人怕见光明。He that does ill hates the light.

借汝之光,得见光明。In your light we shall see light.

保持你灵魂的纯洁光明Spotless keep thy soul and bright

立新世纪一定有光明的未来!Unicity has a very bright future.

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是谁同我一起住在这没有光明的地方Who share the unlit place with me

我却用它寻找光明。And I use them to serch for light.

耶稣,光明的衣袍,使我华美。Jesus, Garment of Light, adorn me!