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第一章,呼麦的历史沿革与发展现状。Charpter one, Humai's history and current situation.

分析了信托收据的概念、性质及其沿革。Analyze concept, character and evolution of trust receipt.

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本文即探讨东夷文化的历史沿革。The evolution of Dong Yi culture is Studied in this paper.

名片的沿革还在继续,下一个流行的是什么呢?The name card continues its evolution. What's next, I wonder?

首先,阐明了瓜州县更名的历史沿革。At the beginning, the renamed history of Guazhou was introduced.

文章介绍并研析了唐代巩县窑的生成、沿革、结构、产品与影响。The article introduces the kiln of the Tang Dynasty in Gong county.

第二部分介绍了处分权的历史沿革。The second part introduces the history of the right of disposition.

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其次,文章介绍了张庄的地理沿革与历史变迁。Next, it narrates the evolvement of Long-Bow's geography and history.

第二章为自由心证制度的缘起与沿革。The second part of the system of free proof for the origin and evolution.

本文第一部分为连带债务制度的历史沿革。The first part describes historical evolution of joint and several obligation.

每一个学院都有它自己的的历史沿革,所得,规章和组织形式。Each college has its own history, income, regulations and type of organization.

第二章回顾了企业战略定位的起源和历史沿革。Chapter two reviews the origin and historical evolution of strategic positioning.

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离石区的建置沿革,可追溯到战国时代。Lishi District History of the building, dating back to the Warring States Period.

其次是大学生休闲教育的历史沿革。And then, the thesis introduces the history course of college students'leisure education.

本文意在讨论政治发展研究缘起的学科沿革背景。This essay discusses the evolution background of the researches on political development.

阐述了组织的定义以及现代组织理论及其历史沿革。Elaborating definition of the organization and the evolution of modern organization theory.

第二部分,拍卖出让建设用地使用权的历史沿革。The second part is the history of the construction of land-use rights to remise by auction.

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第二部分,石家庄市第二十七中学创新教育的沿革。The second part is the research and reform of innovative education in No. 27 middle school.

首先高屋建瓴地对吐谷浑的历史沿革进行了概述。First of all, from a strategically advantageous position in the history of Tuyuhun summarized.

本文首先介绍了国内外不动产登记制度的历史沿革。This paper first introduces the historical evolution of the real property registration system.