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观众笑得前俯后仰。The audience was rocking with laughter.

小丑在台上蹦来跳去的,观众们在座位里笑得前俯后仰。The audience were rolling about in their seats as the clown romped around on the stage.

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当我告诉他他的儿子在晚会上干了些什么时,他笑得前俯后仰。When I told him what his son had done in the evening party,he laughed himself into fits.

只消三两个有关奴隶的笑话就已经把前排就坐的麦格劳逗得前俯后仰。It takes only a couple of jokes about slavery to get McGrawchuckling in his front-row seat.

当我把男孩们干的事告诉母亲时,她笑得前俯后仰。When I told Mother what the boys had done, she laughed herself into a state of helplessness.

随便说了个笑话就把身边的朋友逗得前俯后仰。The feeling you get when a group of friends all laugh really hard at one of your random jokes.

英国的旅行家们叙述可笑的意大利风俗时,总是使的朋友们笑得前俯后仰。English travelers kept their friends in stitches while describing this ridiculous Italian custom.

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想象自己让这件事很精彩地进行着--譬如,观众们因你有趣的故事,笑得前俯后仰等等。Picture yourself doing an excellent job – the audience laughing at your jokes – you telling captivating stories, etc.

一帆、大宝几个人在一块吃饭,说着美凤跟老谢头的事笑的前俯后仰的。YiFan, dabao several people in a piece of to have a meal, said MeiFeng LaoXie head with the smile of the bend forward and backward.

他们还试了很多不同版本,甚至还来个合唱,很快他们就笑的前俯后仰。她感觉这首歌帮她战胜了伤痛带来的不适感。Soon they were laughing, and as they played various versions and traded choruses, it seemed as if the music was helping her overcome her discomfort.

动作过程中必须保证上身稳定竖直,禁绝左右侧倾、前俯后仰等借力动作。Must make sure the upper part of the body stabilizes upend in behavioral course, list of prohibit completely left and right sides, before admire after Fu wait for movement lending strength.