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他对所有工作都兢兢业业。He shows great assiduity in all his work.

弗莱彻的风格也是类似,踢得兢兢业业。Fletcher is a similarly conscientious character.

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作为纽约市一名消防员,丹尼斯工作兢兢业业。And he workedhard as a New York City firefighter.

在中年的时候踏踏实实做人,兢兢业业做事。in middle age, when a down-man, cautious and conscientious work.

几十年来,他对工作一直兢兢业业,一丝不苟。For decades, he has been cautious and conscientious towards work.

因此,他呼吁培养更多兢兢业业的教师无异于寻求一张空头支票。It's pie-in-the-sky for him to cry out for more dedicated teachers.

老师,您呕心沥血、兢兢业业、默默无闻奉献着光和热。Teacher, you worked hard conscientious, quiet dedication of light and heat.

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人生的过程需要兢兢业业于点点滴滴,勤勤恳恳于时时处处。Process of life in the little bit cautious and conscientious, diligent in always.

她那兢兢业业、吃苦耐劳的良好表现也赢得了餐馆老板阿力克斯的青睐。Her good performance of hard—working made a favorable impression on her boss Alex.

衷心祝愿柏瑞安成立十周年,十年来柏瑞安人兢兢业业为我们行业的客户提供服务。We congratulate Brio on ten great years of serving the needs of businesses like ours.

全党同志一定要更加兢兢业业地工作,永远不辜负人民的信任和期望。All Party members should work conscientiously and live up to the trust and expectations of the people.

五年半来这位瑞典人一直兢兢业业地做着这项就很多人看来无法想象的工作。For five-and-a-half years the Swede has toiled manfully in what many have described as the 'impossible job'.

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兢兢业业的布罗基是一名斩钉截铁的中场指挥官,但是离开米兰这件事却让他很难抉择。The hard working Brocchi is a no-nonsense midfield general, but his departure from Milan was a difficult one.

比起举行宗教游行,支持集会或抗议游行,他们更愿意兢兢业业地工作。Rather than taking out religious processions, support rallies or protest marches , they just work relentlessly.

当地人避开这个地方就像空出租车一样兢兢业业,意味是你一旦进去,就无法迅速逃离出来。Locals avoid it with almost the same assiduity as empty cabs do, meaning once you're in, there's no quick escape.

傅清华工作勤勤恳恳、兢兢业业,对党忠诚老实,胸怀坦荡,性格直爽。Fu Qinghua work diligently, work conscientiously, the party faithful honest, forthright mind, character Zhishuang.

广大员工,沿着中心发展的方向,兢兢业业,积极进取,爱岗敬业,朝着共同的目标一同奋进,取得了巨大的成绩。All staffs followed the developing direction of Royal and worked with assiduity for the same goal, we finally gained a lot.

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我的经纪人库尔比斯和他的意大利同事莫拉比拖现在正在伦敦,他们一直兢兢业业地工作着。My agent Stephane Courbis is in London with his Italian associate Vincenzo Morabito and they are always working day and night.

奈萨里安被称为大地的守护者,他比其它的守护巨龙更加兢兢业业地守卫着艾泽拉斯世界。Neltharion, called the Earth-Warder upon his creation, was more loyal and protective of Azeroth than any of the other Aspects.

兢兢业业又谦逊的印度科学家,和颇具远光的伟大领导人,让这成为了可能。Hard and dedicated work of humble Indian scientists and vision of our great leaders of the past has made it possible. Great stuff.