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显示出像癌症的征候。Tom Cancer like symptoms developed.

排卵迹象和征候通常很微妙。Ovulation signs and symptoms are often subtle.

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这些都是进行中受孕期的征候。These are the symptoms of pregnancy in the subject.

政府不应忽视这些现存经济问题的征候。The Government must not ignore these symptoms of present economic problems.

政府切不可忽视其支持者中间所表现出的这些不满征候。The government must NOT ignore these symptoms of discontent among their supporters.

尽管空气是重和厚的,他能在灰色的树林中甚至感到生活的一点儿征候。Though the air is heavy and thick, he could feel even a bit of signs of life in the gray woods.

早孕反应是指妊娠6周到12周之间出现的以不同程度的恶心、呕吐为主要表现的征候群。NVP is the syndrome that mainly includes nausea, vomit, etc from 6 weeks to 12 weeks of pregnancy.

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半个小时过去了,但她幸运地见到那个可喜的征候仍旧存在,甚至还出现别的朕兆,进一步证实了这个征候。Half an hour passed away, and the favourable symptom yet blessed her. Others even arose to confirm it.

风浪是神义袍的边襟,再临的征候,同在的证据。A storm is only as the outskirts of His robe, the symptom of His advent, the environment of His presence.

在陌生、间离的创作心态中,提示当代人精粹上的某种征候。He exposes some of the spiritual marks of the contemporary people with a strange and independent creative attitude.

这个活性配方不刺激双眼,无副作用,无禁忌征候或药物反应。The active ingredients in this sting-free formula have no known side effects, contra-indications, or drug interactions.

苯巴比妥过敏、有征候性或潜伏性卟啉病史者禁用苯巴比妥。Phenobarbital is contraindicated in patients with known phenobarbital sensitivity or a history of manifest or latent porphyria.

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其次,纳差、脘腹痞满及“说不清”的疼痛也是患者常见的征候。The secondary, accepts difference , full and "hard to explain" gastral cavity abdomen ruffian pain is also a common sign of patient.

教育的转型始终是社会转型的结果和征候,并通过它得到解释。Educational transformations are always the result and the symptom of social transformations in terms of which they are to be explained.

它逐日纪录蜕化的征候,力求以无产阶级先锋队的自觉意志来对抗已经到来的特米多尔。Recording day by day the symptoms of degeneration, it tried to oppose to the growing Thermidor the conscious will of the proletarian vanguard.

一种由体上的疾病,我们以为是全部症状了,其实呢,很可能只是精神上某种失调的征候。A bodily disease, which we look upon as whole and entire within itself, may, after all, be but a symptom of some ailment in the spiritual part.

第一百二十条航空器事故、严重事故征候、事故征候的调查规定和调查程序应当包括涉及危险品的内容。Article 120 Investigation rules and procedures for the aircraft accident, serious incident and incident shall include the contents involving dangerous goods.

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事故与事故征候分类标准和统计方法是民航飞行安全的一项基础性安全管理内容。Categorization norm for human factor accidents and accidental signs and their statistical method are the bases for guaranteeing civil aviation flying safety.

服用没有禁忌征候或是副作用,本品刺激你肌体的天然治愈能力来解除症状。Working without contraindications or side effects, Hyland's Cold Sores and Fever Blisters stimulates your body's natural healing response to relieve symptoms.

即使没有发现明显的缺钾征候,土壤有效钾仍有可能不足以获得经济效益最高的产量。Even if no visible signs of potassium deficiency are evident, theleve1 of available K in the soil still might not be enough to produce maximum economic yields.