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无假货邮政编码。NO Fake Zip Codes.

勿忘使用邮政编码。Remember to use postal code.

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勿忘填写邮政编码。Remember to fill postal code.

我反复强记这些邮政编码。I've had the code numbers dinned in.

德国首先采用邮政编码。Postcodes were first introduced in Germany.

你转道这个邮政区的邮政编码埋?Do you know the code of this postal district?

这是美国奥尔德姆的邮政编码分类。This is the postcode category of Oldham, U. S.

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这是美国戴维森的邮政编码分类。This is the postcode category of Davison, U. S.

邮政编码使分检信件更容易。The postcode makes it easier to sort the letters.

这是挪威海德马克的邮政编码分类。This is the postcode category of Hedmark, Norway.

这是挪威布斯克吕的邮政编码分类。This is the postcode category of Buskerud, Norway.

这是挪威罗加兰的邮政编码分类。This is the postcode category of Rogaland, Norway.

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这是挪威西福尔的邮政编码分类。This is the postcode category of Vestfold, Norway.

这是孟加拉国波拉的邮政编码分类。This is the postcode category of Bhola, Bangladesh.

搜索屏幕提供了一个表单用以输入邮政编码。The search screen provides a form to enter a zip code.

这个问题并不局限于某家航空快递公司,我也遇到过其他公司因为缺少邮政编码而拒绝投递香港包裹的情况。This is not a problem limited to one air courier company.

这是泰国安纳乍能府的邮政编码分类。This is the postcode category of Amnat Charoen, Thailand.

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用户可以根据他们自己的邮政编码搜索服务提供者。Users can search for providers based on their own ZIP codes.

输入邮政编码以获取本地区的电视节目指南。Enter in your zip code to get the Program Guide for your area.

他的地址是美国宾夕法尼亚州费城市场街3612号,邮政编码19104。His address is 3612 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA. 19104, USA.