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我不假思索地脱口而出。I blurted out unthinkingly.

她不假思索地行动。She acted in an off-hand way.

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你能不假思索的脱口而出吗?Can you answer without hesitation?

他不假思索的把它交了上去。He handed it out without hesitation.

“住手,”我不假思索的朝它吼道。“Stop it!” I yelled without thinking.

门卫不假思索就会知道他们是谁,They'll know automatically who they are

格里利不假思索地答道。The answer was snapped back without hesitation.

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“它有一个GPS接收器”这是不假思索就可以得到的回答。"It's got a GPS receiver, " is the facile answer.

我已经看过了,谢谢你。”卡米不假思索地说道。I've seen the stuff, thank you, " Kami said offhandedly."

你们不假思索任意破坏和污染她的身体。You are trashing and polluting Her body without any thought.

但是现在,我可以不假思索地在场上做我想做的事情。But now, I can unthinkingly in the market do what I want to do.

他不假思索地放下工具狂奔回家去让妻子也高兴一下。Imprudently , he downed tools and ran home to make his wife happy.

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正确。他口才好,且在演讲中常不假思索。Positively. He's eloquent and often speaks impromptu in the speech.

你的口水直流,不假思索便从嘴里蹦出“西班牙海鲜饭”这几个字。"Paella"the word rolls off your tongue as your mouth starts to water.

在压力下,女人不假思索地说话,男人不假思索地行动。Under pressure, women talk without thinking and men act without thinking.

我们已不能再不假思索地使用大自然所赐予我们的资源了。We can no longer thoughtlessly use the many resources provided by nature.

习惯通常是不假思索地一遍又一遍地重复做一个动作。A habit is the act of doing an action, over and over, usually without thought.

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所以我们偏心当下和其“不假思索”的回报,是有原因的。So there's a reason we're biased toward the present, and its “visceral rewards.

我们在餐馆门前停下车,我不假思索就把全部车钱给了他。We pulled up at the restaurant, and, without thinking, I handed him the full fare.

而且,每一次进球后他都会不假思索地亲吻球衣上的队徽。Moreover, every time he scores he automatically kisses the United logo on his shirt.