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你们公司和中介合作吗?Do you work with introducers?

中介免开尊口!Medium do not open your mouth!

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和我们合作的中介商也是其中之一。Our local middleman was one of them.

花拉公园好房出租,非中介!Ferrar Park Room Rent, no agency fee!

保存中介模块,并重新启动它。Save the mediation module and restart it.

这条街上有许多中介所。There are many go-betweens in the street.

现在,我们可以部署我们的中介了。We are now ready to deploy our mediation.

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中介现在可以是任何模块的一部分。A mediation can be part of any module now.

中介和代理商都替委员会销售。Factor and agents both sell for commission.

本论文中介绍的网络摄像机很好地解决了这个问题。In the paper, the network camera make it easy.

社会中介是政府与杜会的联结纽带。Social agencies bridge government and society.

我们将在接下来的部分中介绍这一主题。We will elaborate on this in the next section.

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我通过中介找到了一份兼职。I found apart-time job through an intermediary.

作为中介流中的一个步骤调用某个服务。Invokes a service as a step in a mediation flow.

“找到好的中介是很棒的,”平森说。"It's good to find intermediaries, " Pinson says.

房屋中介告诉我这间公寓己经租出去了。The realtor told me this apartment has been rented.

投资促进中介何时领风骚?。When will investment promotion agency lead the tide?

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他在几次试卖会中介绍新产品。He introduced the new product in several test markets.

我可以做侍应生或者通过短工中介找到工作。I’ll be a bartender or get work through a temp agency.

合作社组织还可选择与金融中介协作。Or a group of coops may hire a financial intermediary.