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他觉得自己被侵犯。He felt really violated.

侵犯了他的权利。That violates his rights.

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这侵犯了他的权利。That violates his rights.

侵犯是最好的防卫。Offense is thebest defense.

与侵犯人权者的关系。Ties with rights violators.

它是神,不可侵犯的神。It is a god, and inviolable.

大多侵犯隐私的行为是骚扰。Much of it is just annoying.

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你将成为一个隐私侵犯者。You will be a privacy invader.

来吧,我从不侵犯他人。Comehere, I never aggress others.

婚姻是神圣的,不可侵犯的。Marriage is holy and infrangible.

他们签定了互不侵犯条约。They signed a nonaggression pact.

但如果敌人侵犯我们的海岸。But, should foes assail our coast.

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是否侵犯了个人权利?Does it violate individual rights?

谢丽尔·霍普伍德的权利被侵犯了吗?Is Cheryl Hopwood's right violated?

法律保护人民的正当权益不受侵犯。The law defends people from injustice.

遥远的、最隐秘的、不可侵犯的玫瑰。Far-off, most secret, and inviolate Rose?

他的言辞是对王权的侵犯。His words was a breach upon kingly power.

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隐性采访是新闻侵犯隐私权吗?。Is Recessive Interview Invasion of Privacy?

喷火怪可不喜欢别人侵犯它的空间。Garg doesn't like people invading his space.

译两国签署了互不侵犯协定。The two countries made a non-aggression pact.