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他用药一直过量。He's been overdosing himself.

用药过量可致死。Over-dosage can produce death.

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我给您一种鼻塞专用药。I give you a nasal decongestion.

我们可以用蒲公英去用药。We can use Taraxacum to made medicine.

我想以一天15毫克开始,用药一周。I'd start off with 15mg daily for one week.

这将改变我们的用药方式。That would change how we approach medicine.

用药观察期为2个月。The medication observation period is 2 months.

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遵照指示用药,你就会很快痊愈。Follow this medication and you'll recover soon.

给你开一些注射用药和口服药。I'll give some medicine by injection or orally.

我给你开一些注射用药和口服药。I’ll give some medicine by injection or orally.

确保合理收费、合理用药。To ensure the reasonable fees, rational drug use.

经局部处理并预防用药,随访1年,无1例HIV抗体阳转。No HIV antibody positive after followed-up 1 year.

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尝试改变行为习惯并且适度用药。Try behavior changes and proper use of medication.

你可能已经懂得如何在家里进行自我注射用药。You may be shown how to use your medicine at home.

事后劝告犹如死后用药。Advice after mischeif is like medicine after death.

“将军”命令诺尔顿用药麻醉迈克尔,撤出那里。Pad Man orders Knowlton to drug Michael and get out.

替米沙坦和联合用药组的不良反应少见。Fewer adverse effects were observed in Group A and C.

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迷迭香是一种烹饪用药草,也用于精油。Rosemary is a culinary herb as well as essential oil.

对每个病人分别用药。The use of drugs is individualized for every patient.

若用药出现身体不适应用一日或三日服法。Use 1-day or 3-day regimen if compliance is an issue.