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这篇杂文极为深刻有力。The essay is most penetrating and powerful.

这一章详细论述鲁迅杂文的威力。This chapter dwells on the power of Lu Xun's essays.

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鲁迅的杂文绝大部分是对准敌人的。Almost all of Luxun's essays were directed at the enemy.

鲁迅的杂文绝大部分矛头是置于敌人的。Almost all of Lu Xun's essays were directed at the enemy.

这篇杂文辛辣地讽刺了社会上的一些不良现象。The essay bitterly satirized some unhealthy tendencies in society.

现在,重新拜读两篇杂文,更加让人百感交集。Today, as we re-read these two articles, we are even more deeply moved.

这个作者写过许多小说、杂文和剧本,都是关于社会问题的。The author has written many novels, essays and plays on social problems.

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杂文笔锋犀利、言语泼辣,读来让人倍感爽快。Essay writing, speech and vigorous, sharp read to make people feel refreshing.

现代散文中的“匕首”、“投枪”式小品文当属于杂文。The writing style of "dagger" and "throwing spear" belongs to ironical essays.

桑塔格还是一位社会评论家和文学评论家,她对时代以及文化的批评杂文涉及到20世纪的各个层面,其中包括摄影、艺术、文学等,被人们誉为“美国公众的良心”。She was known for her work as a critic of art, culture and society since the 1960s.

田仲济的杂文既体现了应有的新闻敏感,又蕴涵着强烈的历史理性精神。The novel is full of historical reason and unique humanity spirit at the same time.

他的杂文前后存在着矛盾的说法,却坦率表达了意愿。His essays from this period are a plain-spoken pleasure, despite their contradictions.

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婚姻这本书,第一章是诗歌,其馀的全是杂文。Arriage is a book of which the first chapter is written in poetry and remaining chapters in prose.

另外,韩少功的散文随笔对鲁迅杂文的思想和方法也有所继承。Moreover, Han Shaogong's prose styled essays have also inherited Lu Xun's essay thought and the method.

皮日休的杂文创作对晚唐文坛发展有着特殊的贡献。The Pi Rixiu's essay made the special contribution in the development of later Tang dynasty literature.

狄更斯一生共创作了14部长篇小说,许多中、短篇小说和杂文、游记、戏剧、小品。Dickens made a lifetime to build 14 novels, many, short stories and essays, travelogues , drama, variety.

通过他在四十年的一些杂文及社评,肯定了萧乾为一名自由主义知识分子。Through some of his essays and editorials in the 1940s, Xiao Qian was affirmed as a liberal intellectual.

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然而强势的党文化力量使得“新杂文”并没有蔚然成风,最终革命内部批评成为杂文创作的畏途。While the stronger Party culture make the writers were afraid to criticize the revolution in their essays.

田仲济的杂文既体现了应有的新闻敏感,又蕴涵着强烈的历史理性精神。Tian Zhong-jis scribble is a typical case, it contains sharp news sensitivity and abundance historical nous.

他们的文艺思想需要研究,他们的杂文、寓言应该得到后人珍视。Their literary ideology should be researched , and their scribbles and allegories should be prized by people.