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那些贫儿暴富的故事我听腻了。I am fed up with those rag-to-riches story.

可是谁能想到这样一笔暴富之源让以色列无可避免的深感头疼。But such bonanzas inevitably bring headaches.

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出现这种情绪的原因之一,是因为一些人因金融暴富Part of it is that some people in finance get so rich.

即便贫民们都神驰金钱,可真地有朝一日暴富起来也会无所适从。Even poor people all yearn for money, can really get up will someday.

庞茨的大脑就像一个小型工厂,不断的冒出一夜暴富的点子。Ponzi’s mind was a small factory for cranking out get-rich-quick schemes.

实际上,杰斐逊·戴维斯,是棉花种植者暴富的典型例子Jefferson Davis is, in fact, a classic example of the cotton boom planter.

橡胶大佬们的暴富只有在同他们的残忍相比才显得相形见绌。The opulence of the rubber barons could only be exceeded by their brutality.

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过来看,大蒜奇货可居,有人以此暴富。Come and see. Some became millionaires for hoarding garlic as a rare commodity.

几千的希望暴富的淘金者穿过阿拉斯加到育空地区。Thousands of gold seekers traveled to the Yukon through Alaska hoping to get rich.

何以解忧?唯有暴富。上帝啊,用钱砸我吧。给我一条路走吧。How to solve this worry?Only be wealthy. God, throw money towards me, give me a path.

做这样一笔生意,你可能一夜暴富,也可能倾家荡产。In a business like this you can make a lot of money, but you can also lose your shirt.

今天这里依然依靠自给自足的自然经济,造就了五分之四的穷人和极少数的暴富者。It is a place of subsistence farming, where four-fifths are poor and a few are very rich.

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所以他把钱大把的用来买乐透,寻找一夜暴富的机会。And so he's poured his money into the lottery, looking for his chance to get rich quickly.

不要指望走捷径,也不要寄望于通过得到最新的热点投资信息一夜暴富。Don’t look for shortcuts or try to strike it rich overnight with the latest hot investment tip.

四家长都抱有一夜暴富,一夜成名的侥幸心理。Four parents all embrace for a night sudden wealth, become famous for a night of by luck mental.

据不完全统计,1848-1864年间,大约500,000人到加利福尼亚淘金,以求暴富。An estimated 500,000 people traveled to California between 1848 and 1864 in search of instant wealth.

北京有时看上去更像一个暴富的大农村,没什么交通规则可言,离真正的现代大都市相差甚远。Beijing can on occasion feel more like a rich village, with no traffic rules, than a real modern city.

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世人都在争名夺利,一夜暴富者有之,一步登天者恒有之。Everybody in the fame and fortune, who had the fortune overnight, ask for the moon are constant with them.

如本文开头所述,股票认购权计划毫无疑问可以创造一夜暴富的奇迹。As mentioned at the beginning, share option schemes, no doubt, do wonders in making millionaires overnight.

作为一个教师的你也许不会一夜暴富,但能享受暑假可比一份六位数收入的工作还来得划算。You probably won't get rich as a teacher but the summer vacations may be worth more than a six-figure salary.