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贵金属矿砂及其精矿。Precious metal ores and concentrates.

交易产品包括外汇、黄金及贵金属。Trade products include Gold, Silver and Forex.

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最贵金属和消费者的知情权和接受这一点。Most jewelers and consumers know and accept this.

外汇,贵金属,金融期指,期货。Forex, Precious Metals, Financial Future and Commodities.

非硬币形状的贵金属,例如金块或金条。Precious metal in non-coin form such as ingots, bars or wafers.

在这样一个节骨眼上,贵金属市场表现如何呢?What is the market scenario in precious metals at this juncture?

而将贵金属从一个国家运出则会使其变穷。Whatever sent the precious metals out of a country impoverished it.

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这些成群结队的小行星给地球和其他内行星带来了一系列贵金属。Those hordes of asteroids brought with them a bevy of precious metals.

钢铁是贱金属而金银则是贵金属。Iron and steel are base metals but gold and silver are precious metals.

我还有能源和贵金属基金,正好也赶上了大宗商品市场的牛市行情。And energy and precious-metal funds that rode the bull commodities market.

黄金作为一种稀贵金属,自古以来就是财富与权力的象征。As a kind of precious metal, gold symbolizes wealth and power from of old.

不知道那些摸顶者在2010年的贵金属市场中会不会被摧残…Would-be top pickers in the precious metals markets were brutalized in 2010.

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第8215节之各种物品,未配成套,镀贵金属者。Non-set of assorted articles of heading No. 8215, plated with precious metal.

回收废铜、废贵金属等废品废料。Permanent purchase recycled scrap copper, scrap metals and other scrap waste.

MRT也可以用于精炼含贵金属的阳极泥。MRT can also be applied for the refining of slimes containing precious metals.

第8215节之各种物品,未配成套,镀贵金属者。Sets of assorted articles of heading No. 8215, not plated with precious metal.

根据个别贵金属合约市场金商所提供息口每日结算。Adjusted with reference to the market offered rate of the related metal contract.

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第8215节之各种物品,未配成套,未镀贵金属者。Non-set of assorted articles of heading No. 8215, not plated with precious metal.

吉利也接受金、银、铜和其它贵金属支付餐费。Gillie also accepts silver, gold, copper and other precious metals to pay for food.

报废电脑主板中含有大量的贵金属和贱金属元素。Waste computer mainboards contain abundant precious metals and other valuable metals.