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为了制造氨。To make ammonia.

他能制造漩涡…He creates vortexes.

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它能当地化制造。It can be made locally.

由鸵鸟蛋制造。Made from ostrich eggs.

学习如何制造雨滴?Part3. How to make rain?

中国制造的塑料玩具。Plastic toys from China.

睾丸制造精子。Testicles produce sperm.

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这是日本制造地可以。This is of Japanese make.

莫奇,不要制造噪音!Don't make a lot of noise.

制造自己的雨量计!Make your own rain gauges!

人类可以制造宇宙火箭。Man can made space rocket.

可能他们制造了场景。Maybe they built the sets.

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这种录相机是中国制造的。The VCR was made in China.

这车是在中国制造的。The car was made in China.

这辆汽车是中国制造的。This car is made in China.

这支钢笔是中国制造的。This pen is made in China.

这是得克萨斯制造的。This was made up in Texas.

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瑞士制造的石英机芯。Swiss-made quartz movement.

这架飞机是中国制造的。The plane is made in China.

火车是株州制造的。Trains are made in Zhuzhou.