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他咬紧了牙关。His jaws clenched.

她的牙关紧闭。Her jaws tightly locked.

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我牙关在打颤,嘴唇发紫。My teeth were chattering, my lips blue.

痛得他牙关紧咬,手指乱抖。He had grounded his teeth, his fingers trembling.

别格的牙关咬得那么紧,连上下颚都疼了。Bigger's teeth clamped so tight that his jaws ached.

他咬紧了牙关只是哼,在那座空廓落落的大厅上转圈子。He paced round the hall grinding his teeth and groaning.

董事长让董事会要紧牙关顶住这场危机。The president asked the board to bite the bullet to the crisis.

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开口器用于在紧急急救时打开患者牙关紧闭的上下颚。The mouth opener is intended for opening mouth in the first-aid.

在死亡来临时,要紧牙关,坚定目光,正视死亡。Grit your teeth, fix your gaze, and observe death at this moment.

男子咬紧了牙关,他觉得他可能再也找不回钱包了。He grits his teeth . He will probably never see his wallet again.

口吐白沫,牙关紧闭,肌肉震颤,眼睑外露。Frothing from mouth, jaw chomping, muscle tremors and eyelids snapping.

他仰卧着,牙关紧闭,右手紧握着拳头放在胸口上。He lay on his back, his teeth set, his right hand clenched on his breast.

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她闭着双眼,紧咬着牙关呻吟着,仿佛正在承受巨大的痛苦。She groaned and shut her eyes as if she suffered a lot, her jaws clenched.

那个男孩斜靠在墙上,牙关紧闭,愤怒的双眼直射上方。The boy leant against the wall, his teeth set and his eyes glaring upward.

他躺在那儿,牙关紧闭,双拳紧握,两眼直视上方。He lay there, his teeth set, his hands clenched, his eyes looking straight up.

你的牙医会用一个设备来阻止你紧闭牙关。Your dentist will fit you with a device that prevents your jaw from clenching.

他仰卧着,牙关紧闭,右手紧握着拳头胸口上。He lacdfds. com on his back, his teeth set, his right hand clenched on his breast.

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你可能需要轻轻地向下按他的下牙关,免得他的牙齿咬紧。You may need to push down slightly on her lower gums to keep her from clamping down on you.

开口器的硬度足以撑开患者牙关紧闭的上下腭。The sufficient hardness of the mouth opener can confront with the teeth of the upper and lower jaw.

尽量避免屈尊俯就或防御性的动作,如抱臂或紧闭牙关。Try to avoid gestures that are patronizing or defensive, like crossing your arms or clenching your jaw.