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水手把绳子盘缠在锚上。The sailor coiled the rope around the anchor.

临走,又送那人不少盘缠。Face, send that person many travelling expenses again.

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他被撞见拼命想要解开几盘缠在一起的胶卷。He was found desperately trying to untangle several reels of film.

明天见了,嘿法兰克我能不能跟你借点盘缠用用?See ya tomorrow hey Frank can I borrow a couple of bucks from you?

在路途中,理想是你们唯一的行囊,信念是永恒的盘缠。On the road, dream is your only larggage, and belief os your eternal travel fee.

兰花盘缠在树上,拥有成百上千的绿色阴凉,森林里鸟叫和昆鸣声不断.There are hundreds of shades of green, and the forest is loud with birds and insects.

Hayes接着说,“不过整晚都带着你所有的盘缠在街上晃悠,这主意算不算糟?”Hayes continued. "And that it's a really bad idea to walk around with all your cash there at night?"

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所以马利亚和约瑟带着婴儿逃亡埃及,也许一路上的盘缠和以后隐居生活的开销就用的是三贤人的赠礼吧。So Mary and Joseph took their infant to Egypt, perhaps using the gifts of Magi to pay their way and support them while they were in hiding.

你看啊,你们是在灌木丛里被发现的,身上的行李盘缠一样没有,估计是被人抢劫后打晕了。K. Listen! You don't have to pay anything . Since you were found in the jungle without any belongings I assume you were robbed and knocked out.

贝多芬决定去维也纳学习,波恩的主教为他提供盘缠,好友也为他给维也纳的望族写了推荐信。When he decided to go to Vienna to study, the Archbishop at Bonn paid for his journey and other friends gave him letters to noblemen in Vienna.

盘缠用尽了,举目无亲,房东又天天催讨房租。After using up all his money, he was in face of helplessness and the urge of his landlord for the rent without any relative living in the city every day.

年轻人听说中国有一些禅宗大师,于是凑齐微薄的盘缠,穿过荒无人烟的平原,开始了艰难险阻的长途跋涉。The young man had heard of certain Zen master living in China so he gathered his meager belongings and started a long and arduous journey across arid plains.

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后来他拿着林冲送的盘缠来到沧州,入赘给一个店家,最后继承了这家小酒店。Later on he hold woods wash travelling expenses that give come Cangzhou, marry into and live with one's bride's family to a hotel owner, Carried on this pub at last.

每年有约七十万英国人前往澳大利亚旅游,其中许多是背包客,这些人在澳洲的阳光下沐浴一整年,同时找些活干以赚得盘缠。Around 700, 000 Britons visit Australia each year and many of are backpackers, who spend up to a year in the country soaking up the sun and often working to fund their travels.