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柯尼卡胶卷使彩色摄影更上一层楼。A camera supplies the data for colour sorting.

新的学期,新的开始,祝愿大家都能更上一层楼!Wish everyone have new sucess in the new term!

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柯尼卡胶卷使彩色摄影更上一层楼。Konica film takes color photography to new heights.

最后,祝贵单位事业更上一层楼!Finally, I wish your esteemed units more upward career!

我们要使产品质量更上一层楼。We should make the quality of our products even better.

欲穷千里目,更上一层楼的真正含义。For a grander sight, the true meaning of a higher level.

新加坡乒总祝贺刘教练的事业更上一层楼。The STTA wishes Coach Liu well in his future coaching career.

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这样利用冲突,他们就能让自己的表现更上一层楼。This is how they use conflict as a catapult to high performance.

要知道他在费耶诺德取得巨大成功而在利物浦他更上一层楼。He triumphed at Feyenoord and has had great success at Liverpool.

首先预祝君豪大饭店在新的一年里更上一层楼。First I'd like to wish King World Hotel a more successful new year.

最后,祝我中心的事业更上一层楼,恳盼早回佳音。Finally, I wish my center career more hope that early today. Return.

读书有感想,要写一写,学思结合,才能更上一层楼。Feelings for reading, write a write Xuesi be linked to a higher level.

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现在我有能力更上一层楼,我也相信今年我会享受一个美妙的赛季。Now I'm able to get forward more and I believe I can have a good year.

诚祝君在新的一年里更上一层楼!Truly wish you a better development and quotes success in the new year.

意大利的面条、薄饼、米饭、肉肠和饮料更上一层楼。Italian pasta, pizza, rice, sausages and drinks are typical Italian food.

每当你胜利时你都希望下一年你能更上一层楼,因此我们需要实践它。Every time you win you want to show next year you are better, so we must do that.

我希望我们联赛排名能更上一层楼,我真的希望能在队内扮演重要的角色。I hope we can move further up in the table. I really want to play a big part in it.

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让我们共同努力,推动中英关系更上一层楼。I look forward to working with you to take the China-UK relationship to a new high.

如果你服务的品牌还是倍受欢迎的,比如大众汽车就比丰田更受欢迎,那么你的优势就更上一层楼。And if it's a well-loved brand, say VW over Toyota, then you have another advantage.

丽水摄影网及其所有网友,新年新气象,更上一层楼!Happy New Year and best wishes to you, Lishui Photo Website and all its web friends!