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所以我曾经很恨它。So I hated it.

我曾经怪罪过他吗?Did I blame him?

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他曾经那么聪明。He was ever so clever.

他们曾经是淘金者。They were prospectors.

咱们曾经是同窗。We were schoolfellows.

我以前曾经见到过他。I have seen him before.

它曾经是一个集市。It used to be a market.

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看!我曾经可是大地主哟!Look! I am a landlord !

天哪,我们曾经多么投缘!We were so much at one.

我曾经是个直率而爽朗的人。I was downright chipper.

我曾经就是这样的一个人。I was one of these guys.

中国曾经有过一致之举。China was once like this.

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我们曾经非常靠近。Eventhough We Were Close.

你曾经做过某事吗?Have you ever done sth. ?

他曾经多么不愿意睡觉!How he had grudged sleep!

我曾经侧面打听过。I have inquired about it.

而且他曾经跟于美人约会过…And he used to date Oprah.

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他曾经在上海住过。He once lived in Shanghai.

他曾经是一个体育运动爱好者。He was once a sports buff.

如古她能够曾经起床了。She might have got up now.