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他一直有祸事临头的预感。He had a presentiment of trouble coming.

不能总是指望祸事中隐藏着好事。Blessings cannot simply be expected to come along in disguise.

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那么为什么在我们看来今年的祸事尤其多呢?Sowhy does it seem like this has been a particularly bad year?

有的祸事,像她的车被偷一类,以前从未发生过。Such a disaster as her car being stolen had never happen before.

有的祸事,像她的汽车被盗之类,以前从未发生过。Such a disaster as her car being stolen had never happened before.

普通的百姓生活让林佳一无从适应,更惹出重重祸事。The ordinary people's lives Let Lin a nowhere, with more heavy calamity.

我知道这下可撞了祸事了,便躲在家�的床角落处不敢出来。I knew I got into trouble and hid myself in the corner of my room and dared not to go out.

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想生活得自在一点的,一定要学识做鬦士,这样才可以避开祸事。Want to live in the comfortable point, we must do learning fighting, so that it can avoid disaster.

长者们一直希望发生什么祸事,但他们万万没想到你会帮他们这么个大忙。The Elders were hoping for some kind of disaster, but they’re startled that you obliged them so well.

这使稻草人感到无限惊恐,心想祸事真个来了,越怕越躲不过。This makes the scarecrow feeling of panic, thinking it a disaster coming, hide but you more and more.

猿猴好像明白祸事来了,因为当杨将军骑马奔向树时,它哭了起来。The ape seemed to understand, because as soon as General Yang rode toward the tree, the ape began to cry.

谈到利润,我赞成乔丹女士关于把蒙太尼的祸事变为好事的想法。Speaking of profits, I like Mrs. Jordan's idea of turning our Montayne debacle into a commercial advantage.

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甚至有的还懵懵懂懂地,不知祸事正是起源于自己的多嘴饶舌呢!Even then, they may still be muddled and not realize that the calamity came from their own tongue- wagging !

两次碰上罕见的祸事,而又两次奇迹般地安然无恙,他们究竟算是幸运,还是不幸,的确难以说清。Encountering the exceptional disasters twice, they were in miracle safety. Are they lucky or not?It's really hard to say.

消防队员们看到这只祸事连连的猫咪时,它躺在电线杆座旁,开始消防员们想它一定是死了,最后却发现它居然还有呼吸。Firefighters found the singed cat near the base of the pole. They assumed it was dead, until they noticed it was breathing.

四把桨,水里游,遇到祸事就缩头。寿命长,耐饥饿,背上甲壳可入药坰——乌龟。Four oars, swim in water, encounter a disaster on the head. Long life, resistance to starvation, back shell can be used as medicine.

运气追着你,美事跟着你,金钱贴着你,贵人帮助你,祸事躲着你,小人绕着你,爱人念着你,家人挂着你,上天保佑你,我在祝福你。Good luck to you, chasing after your money, you will help you hide your disaster, people around you, love you, and read your family hangs, god bless you, and I wish you in.

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那刘、李两家的夫人吓白了脸色,都怕给自个儿夫君惹上祸事,忙跟在后头追了出去。That Liu, Li Liang Jia's madam frightens white facial expression, all afraid give have got a misadventure from the son husband, favour with backward made trace for to go out.