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游行路线是由维多利亚公园至中区政府合署。The march route is from Victoria Park to the Central Government Offices.

所有婚姻纪录,均由金钟道政府合署的登记总办事处永久保管。All records are maintained permanently at the General Register Office in the Queens way Government Offices.

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协会成立后曾与中国扶贫基金会合署办公,从2001年起协会独立开展工作。Association had been co-located with China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation, then she has been independent since 2001.

股市是合署办公的计算机一堆一堆电线串在一起,每个人都试图种族零。The equity market is a bunch of co-located computers strung together by a bunch of wires, everyone trying to race to zero.

香港特别行政区政府,渔农自然护理署,香港九龙长沙湾道303号,长沙湾政府合署6楼。Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department of HKSARG, 6F, Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices, 303 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

请将填妥的表格亲自递交或邮寄到香港金钟道66号金钟道政府合署14楼公司注册处。The completed form can be submitted in person or by post to the Companies Registry on 14th floor, Queensway Government Offices, 66 Queensway, Hong Kong.

来自全港的数百名基督徒昨日游行到中区政府合署,反对赌波合法化。Hundreds of Christians throughout Hong Kong marched to the Central Government Offices yesterday to express their opposition to legalising soccer gambling.

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八十年代,政府停止将工作分配给中学毕业生,在国有企业或政府合署后年轻失业的人口。The unemployed young people of the 1980s, after the government stopped assigning jobs to middle school grads, at State-owned enterprises or government offices.

上月,政府提出拆卸中区政府合署西座,将一大片地盘出售给地产商,并重建成为一个办公室和商业大楼。The government has proposed last month to demolish the CGO West Wing, sell a large chunk of the site to developers, and redevelop it into an office and commercial complex.

香港特别行政区政府,渔农自然护理署,动物卫生科,香港九龙长沙湾道303号,长沙湾政府合署508A室。Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department of HKSARG, Animal Health Division, Room 508A, Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices, 303 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

礼宾府的正门朝南面向维多利亚峰。北面是中央政府合署秘书处办公室,是各级政府秘书处所在地。The main entrance of the house faces south towards Victoria Peak. Down on the northern side is the Central Government Offices, where most government secretariat offices are situated.