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橡胶内胎。Inner tubes, of rubber.

内胎是轮胎的重要部件之一。Tire tube is an important component of tire.

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轮胎是一个无内胎型,因此它是非常激烈的。The tire is a tubeless type, so it is very stiff.

我发现我的自行车内胎有个小洞。I found a tinny hole in the inner tube of my bike.

介绍SUV型无内胎子午线轮胎的设计。A design of SUV tubeless radial tire is introduced.

如果你把他拴在一个充过气的内胎上,他就能浮在水面。If you tie him to a blowed up inner tube he floats.

在内胎上涂抹胶水并让它发粘。Apply solution to the tube and allow to become tacky.

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这是一个展示内胎使用方法的特写镜头。This is a close-up showing the use of the inner tube.

日用纺织品,珠,皮带,内胎及批量原料。Calendar fabric, beads, belts, inner tubes & batch stock.

为保护无内胎轮胎的安全班轮提供。A safety liner for protecting the tubeless tires is provided.

要当心不要损坏轮胎轮缘或内胎。Care must be exercised to avoid damaging the tire bead or inner tube.

卡车轮胎瘪了,内胎可能被刺穿。The tires of the trucks are flat. The inner tubes might be punctured.

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丁基内胎是内胎的升级换代产品,但丁基胶价格昂贵。Butyl tube is a kind of upgrade products of tubes, but with high cost.

在发达国家,轮胎内胎几乎已全部由丁基橡胶制成。In developed countries, almost all tubeless tire made of butyl rubber.

从低下的一半内胎穿过并抓住上面一半。Reach through the bottom half of the inner tube and grab the top half.

该建议的无内胎轮胎压力轮胎是30至40磅。The advised tire pressure for tubeless tires is between 30 and 40 psi.

GT快速充气系统瞬间为无内胎轮胎进行快速充气。GT express inflating system can inflate the inner tube ofa tyre in an instant.

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通常修补无内胎轮胎的破口时,无需将轮胎从轮辋上取下。Tubeless-tire punctures can usually be repaired without taking the tire off the rim.

开始拆卸轮胎时,首先应从内胎中排除空气,轮胎的轮缘一侧应推向轮辋的中心。The bead on one side of the tire should then be pushed in toward the center of the rim.

小船倾覆后,她把埃连放在一个内胎中,自己却被淹死了。The boat capsized and she drowned after putting Elin in an inner tube to save his life.