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1956年,阿加密海滩。Agami Beach, 1956.

海滩好极了。The beach is amazing.

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在裸体海滩上一丝不挂。Bare all on a nude beach.

我可以借一床海滩草席吗?Can I borrow a beach mat?

我通常去桑迪海滩。I usually go to Sandy Beach.

马纳洛海滩公园淋浴。Waimanalo shower beach park.

我们在海滩上晒太阳。We are basking on the beach.

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看看那些美丽的海滩!Look at that beautiful beach!

他们大多数人都前往海滩。Most of them go to the beach.

乘这辆公共汽车可抵达多佛尔海滩。This bus goes to Dover beach.

享受在海滩沐足。Enjoying footbath on the beach.

步行没多远就可到海滩。It's a short walk to the beach.

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Kamilo海滩的塑料沙,2007年Kamilo Beach plastic sand, 2007

忽而高歌在海滩畔。Now singing along the sea-beach.

我们的房子背对着海滩。Our house backs on to the beach.

波浪飞溅到海滩上。The waves splashed on the beach.

我每个星期六都去海滩。I go to the beach every Saturday.

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我看到他们在海滩上亲吻拥抱。I saw them spooning on the beach.

碎浪轻拍海滩。Little waves lapped on the beach.

小孩们通常会在海滩上筑沙堡。People often suntan on the beach.