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他吧嗒着嘴狼吞虎咽地吃着。He ate noisily and greedily.

只有雨滴激起密集的吧嗒声。Only the rain aroused intensive click sound.

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他吧嗒两下嘴,一声也不言语。He smacked his lips but did not utter a word.

他赤着脚吧嗒吧嗒地走过走廊。He pattered along the corridor in his bare feet.

我还没反应过来,“吧嗒”电话挂了。I have reaction from the " Bata " telephone link.

门打开时,吧嗒一声门儿碰着墙。The door unbolted, whacked back against the wall.

快要死的鱼在木板上吧嗒吧嗒地乱嘣。Dying fish were flopping about on the wooden boards.

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安娜贝利大汗直冒,汗滴吧嗒吧嗒地落在了地上。Annabel was sweating droplets that fell to the ground.

我伸手触到门,吧嗒一声把门廊上的灯打开,立刻感觉松了一口气。I reached my door, flicked on the porch light and immediately felt relieved.

它们“吧嗒”“吧嗒”地溅落在灰尘里,在窗玻璃上印下了独特的标记。They split into the dust and imprint the windows with individual signatures.

我们回到了安文,一想到我的小鸡,我就伤心得眼泪吧嗒吧嗒往下掉。We have returned to Wen, the thought of my chicken, I get sad tears fall down the pit.

正如尼葛洛庞帝所说的“我觉得我们的法律就仿佛在甲板上吧嗒吧嗒挣扎的鱼一样。Just as Nicholas Negroponte said "I think our legal is struggling on the deck as the fish."

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没有什么比大声的嚼口香糖,并发出吧嗒吧嗒响声听起来更美味了。Nothing sounds as yummy as the noise made by someone cracking their chewing gum and smacking their lips.

德里克吧嗒一声锁上货车后面的挂锁,向我的方向点点头,然后绕过去爬进乘客位。Derek snapped shut the padlock on the back of the van, nodded in my direction and walked round to climb into the passenger seat.

当我做饭的时候,由于我往炉子里放了太多的柴,以致四周烟雾弥漫,呛得我不停地咳起来,接着我的眼泪就“吧嗒吧嗒”的流了下来。Because while I was cooking, I made so much smoke by putting too much wood into the stove. The smoke made me "cry", and I could not stop coughing.

小强是个虚体子,在外面浪得多了,长期睡眠不足,车子刚走出几十公里,就吧嗒吧嗒地靠在坐垫上睡了。Johnny is a virtual body, outside wave more, the long-term lack of sleep, the car just out of dozens of kilometers, will pit-a-pat on cushion bed.

当护士把月饼送到京京嘴里,京京咀嚼发出很响的吧嗒声,看到这一幕,大家都心酸地转过身去。When the nurse sent to the moon in Beijing Beijing mouth, chewing Beijing Beijing issued a very loud sound of Bata, to see this scene, we all turned to grief-stricken.

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没有什么比大声的嚼口香糖,并发出吧嗒吧嗒响声听起来更美味了。这能把你同事逼疯,但这不正是你想做的吗?Nothing sounds as yummy as the noise made by someone cracking their chewing gum and smacking their lips. It may drive your co-workers crazy, but isn't that what you're trying to do?