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这些是纬度和经度。These are latitudes and longitudes.

SPI的股份相同纬度的南滩。SPI "shares" the same " latitude " South Beach.

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航船的纬度为南纬二十度。The latitude of the ship is twenty degrees south.

站台1的纬度上有很大的差异。There is a large discrepancy in latitude at station1.

海拔和纬度的变化趋势不明显。Elevational and latitudinal trends were not pronounced.

此纬度上的差别就意味着一件事---更冷的天气。This latitudinal distinction means one thing-cold weather.

靠近北纬度或南纬度的无风的地带或区域。Beijing is close to the fortieth parallel of north latitude.

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地理纬度低,其硬脂酸含量高。The geographic latitude lower, the stearic acid content higher.

出生时阳光和纬度影响生命后期的更年期症状。Sunlight and latitude at birth may affect menopause later in life.

这将给您提供一个包含经度、纬度和城市名称的文件。This will give you a file of longitudes, latitudes, and city names.

南北回归线是日照直射点的最远纬度。Tropic of capricorn and cancer is the furthest latitude of sunlight.

地球上每一点都可以用地理纬度和经度来确定。Each point on Earth is specified by geographic latitude and longitude.

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桑达于未来数天纬度增加不多。SONGDA continued to remain at low latitudes in the next couple of days.

在交响乐湖畔N箭头所指处的经度和纬度各是多少?What is the latitude and longitude of the N-arrow in the Symphony Lake?

随着温度的增加,咖啡树也将迁往更高的海拔和纬度。As temperatures rise, so will coffee — to higher altitudes and latitudes.

在球极坐标下,将球面按纬度分解为两个非重叠子区域。In the case of two subdomains, the subdomains are decomposed by latitude.

纬度与经度交叉,我们可能一再错失某个点。The intercross of latitudes and longitudes, we may slip some points again.

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区域气候由很多因素决定,尤其是纬度因素。The climate of a region depends on a number of factors, especially latitude.

大尺度大气定常波随纬度和季节有明显变化。The large-scale steady waves vary obviously with season and latitude change.

请填写调查地区所在的经度和纬度,用度、分、秒注明。Give the latitude and longitude of the site, in degrees, minutes and seconds.